188 - The horse rider

"Where is this?"

The land looked pale from ruins. The stench emanating was close to dung's, littered with skulls oozing gores.

Vulcan was facedown in the dirt, the melting mud. Twas hard to tell if his nostrils hadn't been filled with the dirt.

He began to gradually raise his head to the noise coming from behind him. Twas pretty hard to draw a conclusion of what really was happening.

The voice was coming from behind him. Plus the voice was familiar. He was acquainted with him. He was sure he knew whose voice twas.

He began to rise gradually till his legs were able to hold his mass.

He turned and heard continuous skipping of hoofs hurrying away from him. Twas hard to judge.

The familiar voice came again, then he saw a fellow being carried like a parcel by the side of an hefty man on the horse.

Before he could smash the words into particles and drag out the meanings, he shouted,
