The Sect Defensive Battle - Part 8

As for the leaders, he had to take the toll with his mages and try to find a way to bypass them.

"Keep fighting," Nicole screamed from one direction, "don't let them sneakily attack you!"

It wasn't the first time for this to happen. The leaders were more accustomed to their way of fighting. It wasn't strange to see a group breaking off from one side and exchanging places with another group while hitting those fighting them in between.

This sudden shift caused headaches to Doaf and Nicole and their forces combined. They tried to adapt several times, but at the end they would find themselves thrown in the air alongside many of their elites.

"We should use our ultimate techniques now!" Nicole hurriedly came to Doaf and shouted in rage, "there is no hope if we don't do that!"

In fact the leaders were greatly outnumbered even when each took out a small group of their trusted elites out of their hidden worlds. However they didn't face any struggle at all.