For the following two decades I was welcoming Azcyvian warriors home and bidding adieu to others. The colossal structure in which I dwelt was named the Infyn, where the entire universe could be accessed from a single point of space. I was its Keeper, and I basked in the pride of living in such a palatial domicile. Then a century passed and the intriguing magic behind it all was nothing more than a rusty gear to the once wondrous contraption of my occupation.
My heart would tell me that life was much better in the city and that I would live without ever knowing joy again. The days seemed to last forever. I would spend each hour pacing the floors of Infyn, even as I absently unlocked portals for arriving and departing Azcyvians with a wave of my staff. My father kept to his word and made time to visit often. He would try his hardest to lift my spirits, but I would become even more disheartened whenever he did. After each visit I would be burdened with guilt, knowing that he left feeling hurt.
The day marking my four-hundredth year was drawing near. I felt that my life to that point had been wasted. I rarely ever spoke anymore. I became ill-tempered and reserved, giving a cold shoulder to all who passed me by. Lyzziel was my one exception
I was so grateful that he never forgot about me even as he continued to rise in fame. He too didn't care for the company of many others. When I asked why, he replied that the others were merely fans, wanting nothing more than the attention received for claiming that they did something as minuscule as making eye contact with him.
Over the past century, Lyzziel's captivating voice had become an anthology of tales that would take the place of my books. Lyzziel lived a perilous yet grand life! Setting out to deal fatal damage with the blade he forged himself, taking the hands of lost children, and fighting the battles that only he had the courage to lead. My friend eventually even began to teach me how to fight. His visits were also scattered, but every moment was an escape from my mundane reality. Father looked down upon Lyzziel's storytelling, stating that it was cruel to share the stories of worlds that I could never enter. Lyzziel proceeded to tell them anyway, and I didn't mind.
On the very day that I would become four hundred years old, Lyzziel had returned from a trip and decided to share an older tale in which he had been stalked and nearly slain by a mischievous, little beast. Fortunately, his partner, Roiel was there to counter the attack. I appreciated Lyzziel's efforts to brighten my day, but I also knew that any memory of Roiel was bittersweet. Roiel was mercilessly slain before Lyzziel's eyes just a few years prior to this telling of the tale. Lyzziel actually never spoke to me of Roiel before that day. However, he once told me that he diurnally visited a memorial for Roiel in the Fallen Hall—A subterrain where the lucent wings of every fallen Azcyvian were kept as remembrances. He nearly spoke again when Benvelor joined us. Upon observing his manner and visage, he was indubitably troubled.
Benvelor had his golden staff within his grasp, so I knew that he was bearing grave news. Lyzziel rose to a stand and saluted to Father with a fist on his chest. Benvelor raised his hand and dismissed Lyzziel's respectful greeting.
"Are you aware of the darkness that has begun to consume the universe and that Azcyvians are falling at a rather overwhelming rate across the cosmos?" he dourly inquired. "If so, what've you done to stop it?"
Lyzziel stammered, furrowing his brows, unable to utter any solid response.
Benvelor sighed and tapped the floor with his staff. I initially noticed a very dramatic tint cloaking the once luminous walls of Infyn, drowning out the sun's light. From the fire opal within the golden sun at the head of his staff, pulsed a beaming energy. Father's eyes were also incandescent as if with the light of Azcyviel's sun. With a nimiety of engagement in my father's brilliant appearance, it took a while before I realised that encircling us was a vast display of the cosmos within our universe. The floor even resembled the opaque darkness of space with an endless array of stars and spherical worlds.
"Have none of you noticed this?" Benvelor questioned. "This discolouration of the planets?"
I didn't see what it was that he spoke of, but Lyzziel certainly did, and he trembled at the sight.
"I don't understand," Lyzziel, at last, replied as he ran his fingers through his ash blonde hair. "When did this start?"
"Last night," Benvelor answered. "It's come to a halt since you've returned. At first, I hoped that you had put an end to it."
Lyzziel subtly shook his head. "I don't —" He began, though interrupted.
"Now I have a new theory," Announced my father, unsheathing his own blade. "I don't believe you are who you claim to be."
Benvelor lifted his staff until it no longer touched the ground, and within the rate of a single blink, the display of the universe had scattered as light fled back into the Infyn. My heart began to pulsate as I witnessed this sudden and unpleasant confrontation. Lyzziel raised his hands, lost for words, and backed away slowly. I couldn't help but wonder if my father had lost his mind
"I don't know what you are, or what you've done to Lyzziel," Benvelor boldly confronted. "But you will be the first of your wretched kind to fall by the Azcyvian blade."
Lyzziel choked on his words, though I felt that he was trying to talk sense into my father, who persisted to back him into a wall. Unable to take the sight anymore, I activated the nearest arch to Lyzziel, who narrowly escaped the fatal swing of my father's sword. Once Lyzziel had vanished, I closed the door so that Benvelor couldn't pursue him.
"Xander!" He hissed. "Why did you do that?!" He sheathed his blade, rubbed his forehead, and began to pace around.
"You have to let me through," he begged, pointing to the same arch that Lyzziel escaped through. I shook my head with tears beginning to flood my eyes. I was overcome by emotions.
"Xander, that thing is not your friend," He explained through a breaking voice. "You have to trust me."
I dropped the key and refused to look him in the eyes. Father knew that it was pointless to press any further, knowing that only I could use the Infyn Key. He cursed under his breath, flew off, and gathered an army. Before long, he had sent teams off to search the worlds and hunt Lyzziel down. Benvelor even neglected his vow and led a team out of Azcyviel the old-fashioned way. He must have wanted them to search for more threats, for he knew as well as I did where Lyzziel went. Terah ... the most vulnerable of the countless worlds, also known as Earth.