"Xander!" cried a strained voice. "Please, wake up!"

My eyes opened to the concerned mien of my father, and I was euphoric to see that he was still alive. He too appeared relieved as he released a long-retained exhale with a quivering smile.

For once in so long, I felt a river of peace flowing from my calming heart; a sense of relief beyond expression. An indication that all of the darkness had subsided. After gathering my bearings, I tried to sit up, only to fall back from a jabbing pain in my abdomen.

"Just rest," Father gently instructed. "The wound is fatal, but I promise that you will live."

Once it had occurred to me that we were in the palace, I directed my gaze to the stained glass above me and noticed that the bold hues of the panes were subdued until only various tinges of grey remained. Everything around me had lost its rich tincture. I looked to my father once more and saw that this discolouration also affected him; His rosy complexion, his brazen armour, and even the bright rings in his eyes.

"It's okay," he consoled. "But it's important that we lead the remaining Azcyvians out of here before those things reach us."

"What's happening?" I asked him anxiously, once again scanning my surroundings.

"Many lives have been lost," he replied, his smile fading away. "Only a fraction of us remain."

My eyes widened and I grabbed my father's hand as a single thought had shoved itself to the front of my mind. "Where's Lyzziel?" I wearily inquired.

"Not here," answered a distant, tart voice. "Allow me to offer my condolences."

Father and I snapped our attention over to the room's entrance, where Lyzziel's figure was seen skulking through the doorway. However, once he came into the light, I could see that his lineaments were alarmingly skeletal in contrast to Lyzziel's refined features. Lyzziel also had fair skin. Even with everything having been drained of colour, it was clear as day that this Imposter was a sick shade of pale under the stolen, would-be forest green, garments he wore.

Father rose to his feet, his unfaltering wings spreading out as he glared at the being, who approached him with Lyzziel's blade in his right fist— which wasn't my friend's dominant hand.

"It's a shame that the crux of Azcyviel's fall had to be the careless mistakes of its royal family," taunted the Imposter with a smirk. "Isn't it?"

"It doesn't fall today," replied my father, drawing his own blade and cautiously approaching the foe. "As long as even one Azcyvian remains."

The Imposter let out a sickening cackle before hissing out its next words. "The barrier has vanished along with your Infyn! Azcyviel is defenceless! Besides, what can one Azcyvian do for a helpless universe?"

"The answer lies in the near future," confidently replied my father.

I watched as the two bolted for each other and violently dashed from one side of the extensive room to the other. I could hear the sound of metal cutting through the air to clash with its opponent. I decided to ignore the pain that excruciated my stomach and try to stand. I refused to do nothing while my father fought alone. The arsenal was only a hallway away.

But alas, once I was on my feet, a sudden thud resounded from behind me. Only a haunting silence followed. I dared not turn my gaze to the sight, as a feeling from deep within objected to it. I bolted for the exit as a reverberating laugh chased me down the corridor. Down the dimming hallways I ran, unaware of the horrors that would greet me once I stepped outside.

Azcyviel was desolated, ruined! Every arched wall of every towering structure had been destroyed! Their pieces scattered, slowly drifting in the air and fading to dust. The distance that my eyes were once able to cover was obscured by a caliginous mist plaguing the Azcyvian skies. I caught a glimpse of movement in the distance before noticing an abundance of dark specks swarming the air.

"That's my army," proudly explained the Imposter from behind me. "We grow exponentially with every victory."

I turned and looked the monster in the only things left with colour... the golden rings within its eyes. I struggled to conceal a floodgate of tears once I did. He had stolen the very image of my father. As the Imposter twisted his lips in a condescending smirk, I clenched my jaw and fists, wanting nothing more than to end the sadistic devil's life.

Then I felt it once more, the quaking of the ground below me, stronger than ever and intensifying still. The Imposter appeared just as confused as I was, as he stumbled back and stared at the ground before spreading his black wings and disappearing into the mist.

I could hear nothing except for a low ringing as I lost my balance and fell back. The ground no longer shook but violently rocked as if the very foundations beneath the city were giving way to a tempestuous ocean. That's exactly what had happened.

As I anxiously swept my gaze around me, the remaining structures burst. Yes, indeed, the once serene waters had been disturbed and were in an unforgiving mood. I couldn't contain the cry of anguish that tore from my throat, the shout of pure terror, the scream aroused by the strangling reality that doom was about to crush me and claim my life.

As the waters slammed into me, darkness invaded my vision and numbness overtook my body. As my senses diminished and my breath weakened, I ceased my struggling; Finally accepting my fate.

As time seemed to stand still, I heard a gentle voice; the one that I had yearned to hear for years.

"Xander," said Veilos. "It's okay."