Chapter 1:1: Reborn

" I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!" A girl with long disorganized black hair, deep brown eyes full of confusion, wearing a dirty and cut light blue hanfu. Her face slightly bruise and swollen as two men hold her down.

a male with long dark raven hair, light blue eyes that is like the clear blue skys. He is truly handsome, wearing a similar style like the disfigured girl. But has a golden cane pin near his collar. His eyes full of anger as he point his sword ar her

" Lies! Xiulan I warn you to stop bullying Shu but you gone to far!" his voice deep and dark as his eyes full of nothing but hate, Xiulan eyes widen in fear as she yelled

" I didn't do anything! I was in my room until that happened!" she yelled as everyone stare at her with disbelief.

" How long you going to act?" Another handsome male with long blonde hair tie slightly with a green ribbon and wearing a golden hanfu with black trims. As he dan himself, his emerald green eyes stare at her.

" I'm not acting! I really don't-" as her voice was cut off by a sharp pain in her heart, her eyes slightly look up to see the light blue eyes.

" Junjie..." she mumbles as she felt hot liquid pour out from her and onto the floor, he pull out his blade as he swing to the side. as blood spat on the right. As Xiulan fall slowly to her side... a figure was among the crowds behind a pillar

a girl with light brown hair tie into two bun, her light brown eyes shine with amusement as she smile. Her appearance was innocent like a flower. Wearing a lighter blue hanfu with white trims. She begin to mouth.

" Good. Ridden. Trash" she mouth out slowly, Xiulan lay there as people begin to leave. Xiulan felt so mistreated as if the gods wants her to suffer, she did everything she could to avoid her... Shu Wang. Her half sister.... She came into her life and made it a living hell...

no one believes her because of her pure innocent appearance... she lost everything...

' I... I don't want to die..." as her eyes begin to dim slowly. As she felt so much pain and angst from this unjustified death...

she wanted death...

to everyone who made her life a living hell...

she wanted to ruin Shu pure act

she wanted to break everything that she has that wrap around her finger! she wants REVENGE!

Xiulan Li die by unjustified death in the hand of her former ex- fiancé, Junjie Zhou.

Was this the end?


[This is the beginning]

-- in a remote place in the mountains---

A woman wearing dirty rag clothes, her long black hair tie slightly and brown eyes tear up slightly as a beautiful angelic girl lay on the old worn out mattress, her long golden rose hair slightly dirty but very will kept, her slightly dirty pale skin shine with youth and pure like snows.

" Zhilan...please wake up" the mysterious woman call for her. As if her pray have been answer, her body jump up quickly as the woman fall back in shock.

" w-what going on- ooff!?" as Zhilan got hug tightly by the woman.

" Zhilan!! My sweet Daughter you are awake!!" the mysterious woman was Zhilan mother but the shock Zhilan stare at her..

" Who? " Zhilan ask as her mother stare at her with a disbelief but then saw Zhilan reaction...

" I'm going to get Dr. Gen!!" she quickly rash out from the worn out dirty hut. Zhilan touch her forehead, as she thought deeply.

Zhilan isn't Zhilan... She was Xiulan! Xiulan was reborn into Zhilan, as Xiulan try to figure out a bright light orb appear in front of her. A book like scene appear in front of her.

[ Congratulations of being Reborn!]

Xiulan stare at it as she felt her body drop cold, she was alive again but in a new body....

[ Due to original body condition, we transfer your soul to another who pass a way from a poor sickness. Now your name is Zhilan Wen, Only daughter of Ya Wen and Niu Wen. Farmers. We be helping you on your path of glory and conquer! Enjoy your second chance] - The World

Bling! as it disappear in front of her, Xiulan eyes widen in disbelief and... excitement.

' I'm alive! I'm alive again!! The Heaven give me a chance to live again!' feeling all the excitement in her body but forgetting one detail...

" Zhilan!! I brought the Doctor!" Her now mother ran in as a older man with sweat sliding down his head.

' I forgot about her!!' Xiulan scream slightly in her body as the doctor exam her, she sweat slightly as she starch her cheeks in guilt

"M-Mother I was joking" she said as her voice was smooth and clear like water. Her mother, Ya sigh deeply as she slightly hit her head in the head

" You little prankster!! apologize to Dr. Gen! the poor man have to rush here" She pouted but Xiulan stare at her as she smile apologetic to the Doctor but he seems more surprised and kinda suspicious.

" I'm shock! she recover so quickly as if she a new person " he smile and laugh loudly, as the other two did as will but Xiulan was a nervous laugh. As he prescribes her to rest a little more before he left,Ya sat near her as she gently stoke her daughter cheeks as tears stream down.

" Thank god... Thank god you are alive " she cry out as she hug her tightly again, Xiulan heart clingy tightly...

' Your real daughter pass a way... but-' she hug her back

' I won't let her down, Zhilan...I'll live on for you while I'm selfishly gain back what I lost. Xiulan is dead... Now I'm Zhilan Wen'

As Ya told Zhilan to rest as she go out to buy food for them before her father returns.

" Okay Mother, I'll just rest" She reply as Ya smile and left...

As foot step begins to fade, Zhilan rise up as she sigh in relief but wonders about the strange scene she saw.

' how do I get it back? do I have to say a word?' she smirk in disbelief as she wave her hand.

' it impossible ... it not like I said OPEN it would-'


" Agh!!" she scream as she hit the dusty wall, the same blue scene appear as it read

[ Welcome Back, Lady Zhilan! What may we assist you?] it was so gentlemen like, Zhilan stare at the scene.

" What Can I do?" she ask, as it begin to spin in rapidly speed, Zhilan stare in awe as it begin to speak.

[ You Can do anything! with the right amount of points] it reply, she stare as her mind prouder

" points?" she ask

[ You can earn points by Cultivating, Gathering, Alchemy, Lover, and Self care] Zhilan stare at one word that made her blood run cold...


was one of the points Gathering, she never knew that some things can be someone gain of power but... thinking back her past mother was marry into her no good of nothing father because he was from a higher status.

" wait why is that also a point thing!?" she question at it, hoping it might be a jokd but...

[ Easy gathering] it said said brutally.

' Such a hash reply' she fall to the ground at it simple answer

Zhilan felt her heart tighten as she deeply think about how that sound so easy for it, she remembers how painfully it was for her when she lost Junjie to Shu.

" How much Points I have?" she ask

[ We gladly offer you 10,000 points at the moment. You can purchase these items. ] as it begins to list the items

[ Medical prodigy Skill - 2,000 points]

[ Alchemy Goddess- 5,000 points]

[ Unbeatable Beauty- 2,000 points]

[ God of Blacksmith Blessings- 2,000 points]

as it listed that, her eyes widen. She never expect to gain God and Goddess blessing from this strange power.

' so this isn't from the Heavens... but then...' she wanted to ask if this is one of the Heavenly gods but fear that she might die if she ask it.

"... Alchemy is especially rare. Only five are a level 4 and one at less a level 3, Medical would be helpful especially if i can help my family... hm..." As she press

[ Alchemy Goddess Purchase - 5000]

[ 5000 points left]

as bursts of energy enter her as she begin to feel all the knowledge of different plants, gems, crystal, and etc in her head.

[ Congratulations of becoming a Alchemy Goddess]

[ Now you can make any desire thing you heart wish]

the World reply, as her eyes shine with amusement as she stare deeply at the last three...

[ Unbeatable Beauty Has been purchased - 2000]

[ 3000 points left]

As he body begin to grow in a bright light, her skin grew healthier and younger. Her hair bright and luminous like gems, her beautiful lustful Lavender eyes shine with elegant and unique. Her lips plump and juicy like strawberries, her body curves beautifully as it begin to form perfectly.

[ Congratulations! You have Earn the Title Unbeatable Beauty!]

[ You can see men's emotions and heart percentage]

[ Men won't be able to resist you, Beside Family.]

[ You grew more beautifully when you Cultivating]

' Hmm intriguing ' she thought deeply on how handy this can be especially against... Shu

As she look between the last two...

" I better earn more points..." she sigh as the scene begins to speak

[ Thank you for using Our services! We be always happy to help you Zhilan!] as it vanish, she thought deeply.

' Since I have Alchemy Goddess, I can go gather some herbs to make some pills. This body seems okay but I need to increase her Cultivating ' as Zhilan got up, a sudden sound of the door open, She turn quickly to see a man with dark wild short hair with deep reddish orange eyes, his sweaty tan skin glistening with lust. He is overwhelmed handsome beside wearing brown robes that is dirty, face cover in mud and leafs. His eyes stare deeply at her.

[ Renshu Dong, Son of Ya Yun Dong and Chang Dong Hunter. Childhood friends/ Crush, 50% Love. Skill: Hunting, Archery, and Skinning Element Tribute: None]

Zhilan eyes widen as the The World appears in front of her giving a description of Renshu. His eyes stare at Zhilan as he quickly hug her

" You idiot!!" he said with a hint of worry, Zhilan eyes widen at his sudden motion that she close her eyes.

' This is so awkward!' she hug him back as she try to convince him.

" I- I'm fine Renshu, it was just a small illness " she said, as he quickly pull her back out from his embrace. His eyes burn into her as she begin to sweat slightly

" You look different?" he questioned

' Oh No!!?? Did he find out?? an I going to die again!!??' as he lean closer barely touching nose to nose.

' Nnnnoooo!!!' she scream in her head