
It was past the afternoon. It was peaceful, the birds chirping, leaves rustling, an obnoxious elf girl drinking beer...

"Ahh, next!"

Jeez, how much liquor does this girl drink?

"Can you lay off the alcohol for one sec?"

"Why? Are you afraid of alcohol?"

"No... just that I don't think it's safe to drink on a job."

"Ugh, you sound just like my sister."

Aurora flinched.

I shook my head and looked around.

"This should be where the boars are."

"So what do we do? Wait?"

Eve said as she continued to drink.


Can't Aurora say something? Isn't she like the older sister?

"Aurora, can I talk with you?"


She fidgeted, looking uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble."

We walked away from Eve. She was drinking her head off as we were waiting for the boars. Getting impatient, I summoned five wolves and told them to find the boars. As I watched them disappear into the bushes, Aurora spoke.

"You can do summoning magic?"

I turned around and nodded.


Is it that surprising?

"By the way, can't you tell your sister to stop?"

"I-I try but..."

"Well, you are the older sister... right?"

"W-well, it may look like that, but she's actually older than me."


Damn it...

"How old are you?."

"I'm 17. My sister is 19."

"17? How old are you in elf years?"

"What do you mean?."

"Oh, uhh nevermind."

In my previous life, an elf's age is usually different from a human's. Well, according to the light novels that I've read. Guess both ages are the same here.


There was movement coming from the bushes. I pulled out Koshiro from my storage and got into a stance.

"You can use spatial?"


Oh, she's talking about how I took Koshiro out from my storage. Spatial magic is like an inventory, so yeah.

"Yeah, but let's focus on what we came here to do."


First came out my spectral wolves, then behind them, out of the bushes came out 4 large menacing looking boars. Their tusks looked like they were made out of a metal material. Oh yeah, their bronze tusk boars, guess they'd have bronze tusks.

I braced myself. But instead of attacking me, they ran past me and Aurora and went after Eve.

"Sister, watch out!"

Aurora shouted. Eve looked at the boars and didn't make a move at first. Then she turned into green leaves, the boars crashing into the rock she was just on. Flowing through the air and then landing next to us. Then she continued to drink.

The boars looked around, and then their eyes met us. I took Koshiro out of its sheath and dashed towards them.


A green glowing projectile flew past me and hit one of the boars directly in the noggin. The body fell with a faint thud. I turned around and looked at Eve. She was holding onto her bow, but on the other hand, she had her beer. How the hell did she fire an arrow with a beer bottle in her hand?


The green glowing projectile flew past me again. Eve caught the projectile and then it faded away. She then continued to drink.

If she was able to defeat a boar like that with ease, then why is she getting scolded?

One of the boars charged at Aurora, and she chanted what sounded like an incantation. Then she pointed her staff at the boar and a cyan colored sphere shot out and hit the boar. Then the boar was suddenly in a block of ice.

The remaining two snorted at me. Their bronze tusks gave out a glint. One of them pawed the ground with its hooves; it was getting ready to charge like a bull. Its eyes glowed red with fury. The other was doing the same, and then they came charging at me.

The first one was a bit faster than the other, so I focused on that one.

I clutched the handle of Koshiro. I ran straight forward and aimed directly for its neck.


The head flew into the air, and blood splattered everywhere.

Now I had to take care of the last one.

But as I turned my body, the feeling in my left arm was gone. Instead, it was taken over by a burning sensation.

[Health: 1294/1500]

The boar had bitten my left arm off. While I was distracted, the other boar must have passed me and ripped my arm off without me noticing.

I stabbed Koshiro into the ground and clutched my left shoulder. It hurt, really hurt. The boar was happily chewing with my arm. You may think you've won, but in a few seconds, [Rehab Tenacity] will be activated.

Soon enough, my disconnected arm had faded into energy, and then my left arm was back. The boar stopped chewing as it noticed my arm was gone.

"Tch, that hurt. I know, I'll repay the favor."

I took the handle of Koshiro and stared at the blade. Then I glared at the boar.

"Tell me... can beasts experience fear?"

[Murderous Daunting]

The boar started backing up, but it snorted and attempted to keep its posture. However, I can tell that the boar was trying its hardest to not flee.

I placed Koshiro back in its sheath. The boar took this as a chance to rush at me. However, that was going to be its downfall.

In an instant, the boar's head flew off and landed onto the ground with a faint thud.


The blade made this ringing sound, but I think I was the only one that heard it. I waved Koshiro, the blood splattering on the floor. Then I placed Koshiro back in its sheath.


I looked over at Eve and Aurora.

Eve. She could easily complete D-rank missions with ease, but why would she fail them on purpose?

"Well... mind telling me?"


"Why you fail your missions on purpose."

She stayed silent, then she looked away, but the way she turned her head was a bit concerning.

No matter. It's time I collected the thing we came here for and go back.

I approached the boar I had just taken out. I raised Koshiro and was just about to cut off the tusk until I felt a cold breeze on my neck.

"D-don't move... I-I don't want to hurt you..."

Aurora said. I heard footsteps approaching my way and Eve stood in front of me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

She said as she moved away, Koshiro from the boar.

"So... mind explaining?"

"You think masking yourself with a human transformation is going to hide you, demon?"


"Hmph, so you are a demon. Judging from your expression, you can't back yourself up now."

How did she find out? I didn't do anything to reveal that I was a demon.

"What human is able to regenerate their arm in under ten seconds?"

"Isn't their such thing as healing magic?"

"Yeah, but there is no such spell that can allow a human to recover their arm in such a short amount of time."

Then Eve placed a dagger up to my neck.

"I wonder, can a demon regenerate a wound that comes from their neck?"

"So, which one are you better at using. A bow or daggers?"

"Both, for your information. Now tell me, what is your purpose?"

"What purpose are you talking about?"

"Why a demon like you is wandering around the surface?"

The chill behind my neck was getting colder. Aurora must be getting nervous.

Tch, what kind of question is that? Jeez, what kind of stories did people make about demons? Am I going to be discriminated against?

"I just wanted to live like a normal human. Is there something wrong with that?"

"You honestly think that I will believe you?"

"What? Then what will make you believe me?"

Then before she said anything, a massive boar with bronze tusks emerged from the trees and came rushing towards us. It was about three times the size of the boars that we had encountered. I turned my head and so did Eve. We noticed that the boar was heading towards Aurora.



Eve vanished and appeared in front of Aurora, tackling her away. The boar slammed straight into a stone wall and staggered.

They came rolling across the ground, and eventually, a tree stopped them.

"Aurora, are you alright?"


"Thank goodness."

The boar shook its head, recovering from the impact. It stared at the sisters once more, pawing the ground as it was ready to charge at them once more.

That was a bad thing. Why? Because if the boar managed to hit them, then they would be falling off the cliff with it.

This was a bad thing.


That was a noise that I haven't heard in a while.

[Quest: Kill the Bronze-Tusk Boar (0/1)]

Hmph, what is this? I didn't get one when I was fighting the other four, but I get one for just fighting this one? What the hell?



The boar was now charging towards the sisters. During the fall, Eve must've been injured saving Aurora. Aurora had a terrified expression. The size of the thing must be intimidating.


The boar was getting closer and closer.

I snapped my fingers, and out from my hand came out a green mist. Then that green mist smashed into the boar and it crashed into the trees.


The centipede roared as the emerald green streaks on its body glowed. The boar squealed as it was being circled by the centipede. The centipede stared at me, awaiting what to do next.

Throw it off the cliff.

The centipede jittered its fangs. But then, as it was dragging the boar towards the cliff, the boar rammed its tusk into the area where the centipede's heart resided and the centipede let go, roaring in pain.

Even though my spectrals are immortal, if they were injured where their hearts once were, they will feel that pain. So their weak points are always where their hearts were located.

My centipede summon was now staggered. Now that the boar was now free, it charged at the sisters once more. This was bad, it was already getting closer to them.

So I took a step forward, and then my legs began running on their own.

I closed my eyes and my body felt a bit different. Then when I reopened my eyes, my skin and clothes were replaced with black scales.

At my current stats, I won't be able to push this boar with my hands. But if I have my stats double, I wonder just how much I can do. So using [Lacerate], I slashed my chest multiple times and even slashed my left arm off. The pain was unimaginable, but it was able to get my health below thirty percent.

[Health: 354/1500]

I was now moving faster and then-


I pushed the boar away with my right arm, and the boar was shoved off the cliff. Since I couldn't stop myself, I was also about to fall off the cliff. Quickly, I turned my body and snatched onto the edge of the cliff with my right hand.


The boar made as it disappeared into the trees. A large thud was heard a second after that.

[Quest: Kill the Bronze-Tusk Boar (Completed)]

[Rewards: 10 stat points]




The ledge was about to break off. Then a snap!

But luckily, I was saved.

Someone had grabbed my hand at the last second. I looked up and Aurora had grabbed onto my wrist. She pulled me back up. I've been saved by the angel...

But wait... she looked a bit different. Her hair and her skin were paler. But that must've been the effect of the sun.

I thanked her, and she nodded. But as I got up, I noticed that there was another Aurora on the ground staring at us. I stared back at the Aurora that had just saved me and the Aurora on the ground.

"Wait... what?"

I looked at the Aurora that saved me. She took a beer bottle from her waist and began drinking. Then her body glowed, and she suddenly shrank. Then, in her place, was Eve.


"That was my true form. Y-you are the first person to see it. The reason why I drink is that it makes my body smaller. It's more suitable so that I don't attract any unwanted attention."

"Oh... that's... dumb."

"I can also do it with magic, but it doesn't have the same effect."

I feel kind of guilty now. But now that I compare her real form to Aurora, she looked a bit prettier than Aurora.

Anyway, I was shocked that she even saved me. After what she said about demons.

"Why did you save me?"

I asked her. She smiled and held her blushed cheeks. Then she looked away.

"I believe that your intentions aren't bad."

Well duh.

"So then, shall we head back?"

I nodded. I looked at the dead boars on the ground. Then my belly grumbled.

"How about we set up a campfire first? I kind of want to see how these things taste."

"Yeah but after you heal up."

I looked at my left arm and all the scratches on my chest. They closed up, and I returned into my human form. Turns out that my clothes also stick along when I revert.

After that, we had boar meat for dinner. The sun was about to set and it was time to head back. Though I was given the chance to take the souls of the boars, I decided to leave them. Why?

Because they are better suited as food than minions.