What should I do

After fight Zain silently went to the wash room and started to wash his blood of his face and clothes

There you are, what happened earlier, are you alright? asked sam

'yaa., how much we won ' zain asked while leaving wash room

' 15000 clunk is yours said sam while giving him money

zain grabbed money and pocketed it and wear his hoodie, after leaving that place he directly went for his house in middle sam tried to ask him what happen or wanted to change mood but nothing happened

Sam house was in same colony as zain's, In this colony houses are built in columns, zain's house was in second column and sam's house was at 5th column, when they enter in that colony sam went for his house and zain walk toward 2nd column

After 2 block in second column there were 4 houses of andrews family and of this family house last house was belong to zain's

Yes zain is a member of andrews family and his father 'straik andrew' was chief of security of the leading company NOGRA but in the incident 10 years ago in NOGRA, which was the horrible attack from an unknown organisation, don't know how much worth of tech were distroyed in it but at that time straik andrew who saved as many as casualties but in last not able to make it

His family has to be got benefits but due to shock of his father's death caused great impact on his mom , that's why she was not able to handle many things at that time, and that time his uncle and aunt used this chance and betrayed them they only got house in which they are living now

After betrayal they have no choice but to live normal life but it was getting worse day by day, but when he was kid he always said to her mom that he will join Asto forces and will go to top of pyramid and became powerful then no one disturb us' but the reality was bit cruel,

With the time he slowly understand that this was dream that he can't able to follow, but in deep down he was trying to work hard, was doing every thing that led to his dreams, he always thinks, if only get a little bit chance, a little bit hope, then he will grab that and show all of them who insulted his dream, who mocked at him

but today was his last day of hope and now he was not able to do anything, all his hope was destroyed

zain didn't speak single word, now he was walking slowly on pedestal which was side of road while thinking now that I can't join the academy what should i do for future. Now i should give some rest to mom, she worked day night for my studies and now that i have no future As a Asto worriors

I should try to find some work in ATA industries, i think there i can find normal job there

He was walking while these thoughts are messing with his head, after some time he heard a sound, like someone crying, when he tried to pinpoint the location he saw it was coming from his aunt house

when he went there, a women was kneeling on the ground and weeping, her face can't be seen because she was facing back toward zain but still his heart sunk, pain started in his heart like someone grabbed and started squeezing it, when he heard the sound which was saying ' please help my son to join academy, i will do everything you say'

If he stayed there he would not take it, he ran from there in full speed while tears were flowing non stop, he ran without destination untill his body left with no energy

now he was standing in the dumpyard and started beating a wooden pole ' Why i am this useless, I trained this hard for no use, i can't even help my mom' he gritted his teeth and started hitting as hard as he can

After taking out all anger to that pole he sat down against that pole then after 4 hrs passed, he stand up and saw at sky and went to home while jogging

when he opened gate he tried to put smile on his face and said i am home and entered inside, when he went to kitchen to see mom

"hey zain where were you, you came quite late today" his mom Alice said to him while smiling and looking to him

"nothing, only saying goodbye to all friends"

"why saying goodbye?"

"they were going to academy on AW2, they confirmed their application today and they were selected "

"So why you are saying goodbye, you will also meet them there"

"but..." zain wanted to say something but interrupted by Alice "I checked your application also, you are also selected"

"Really..," zain thought his aunt done something but it was unacceptable that she will do to help our family, that leech who sucked all our money and merits

"mom, what you done to do this" he said in panic, he thought that definately something is wrong

"hey..hey ..easy... one of my friend helped me, its not big deal, she said that she will take money with interest and i know that my boy will be become great worrior then we will give amount with interest" she said and smiled

Now he was happy but deep down he was not feeling good, don't know why but...

"okk... let's eat then i have show you something" Alice said and both sat, so 6 day from today you will depart from Earth to AW2,

' I think so...'

' Now time come you were waiting for, go and enjoy there and fulfill your dream, and yaa don't forget mamma" she said and smile

' Mom how are you thinking this,'

then Alice laughed

After chatting and eating, mom said zain to come behind her "Now that you are going there and joining Academy i think this is time to show your father's belongings" she said and went toward basement

Here zain come many times but what his mom is going to show him there was only garbages

he followed her until she stopped in front of a pillar then she put her necklace in one hole which was on that pillar, suddenly a stair started to appear which leads to underground, then she went along stairs.

There was big room when Alice entered all lights lit up one by one " authorised person detected , hello miss Alice" a robotic voice said

"hii, grant all authorities to zain" Alice said then a light come from center of room scanned him "authority granted to mr zain"

"what is this mom" zain was astonished by seeing all these things

"your father used to work here when he came on holiday, so this now belong to you, i don't want to be here, if you find anything useful take it" Alice said and went outside

Alice hated all this work which his father does but despite telling him to stop she can't, now, seeing his son dream was to become like him she wanted to stop him but not able to

The room was big and at centre there was big empty table, when he went near it he saw that was advance computer system with better holographic system and at side of room there was many experimental tools and some unfinished mecha were hanging

when he switched on that table A holographic figure came out from it, that was like mecha sitting on chair, he started to watch it by rotating it

then he saw that this figure was same as the mecha kept at corner of the room

then he went toward that mecha looking chair and started examine it