
Story 3: Priviliged

AN:- This story contains many sexual depiction and terms used in sexual intercourse. And also language is maturer than other stories.


'A D? Seriously? D!'

That was the first thought that came into Brad's mind when Mr. Johnson handed the students last week's test. Brad was sure that his paper at least deserved a B. It was his whole night of preparation the matter.

"Sir, a D?" Brad questioned Mr. Johnson who still wasn't finished distributing the papers.

"After class Mr. Marn." Mr. Johnson stated clearly.

Brad felt the hour of the lecture like a century. It felt as if the clock just stopped ticking. The time has stopped. His suspicions came true when he looked at the wall clock and saw it really did stopped ticking.

"The clock is broken Mr. Marn. Didn't I tell you this yesterday? Where's your mind?" Mr. Johnson said and that's when Brad realised he was staring at the clock for more than a couple of seconds.

'Oh shoot!' Brad thought.

The reason of Brad's impatience wasn't just because he would get a better grade after the class, it's what he'll also get like yesterday, the day before that, on last Friday, on last Wednesday and so many times.


The lecture finally ended for Brad and he waited for everyone and his best friend Brady to go out so he can talk with Mr. Johnson. The class now had only Brad on his desk and Mr. Johnson on his teacher's desk writing something.

"Mr. Marn, will you please close the door?" Mr. Johnson asked Brad while continuing writing.

At an instant Brad got up and closed the door, latched it. At this point Mr. Johnson stopped writing, removed his glasses and faced Brad while still sitting.

"So Mr. Marn, what were you saying about your D?" He asked.

"Yes, actually I don't think my paper deserves a D. It deserved more." Brad said while walking a couple of steps forward.

"What is that you say? I can't hear you. Mind coming closer?(Brad took a couple of steps) Closer?(Brad took another couple) Closer?(Brad now stood in front of him) Perfect.(Mr. Johnson stood up) Yes, I actually agree with you.(removes Brad's jacket) Your paper do deserve more than a D.(removes Brad's t-shirt; leaving him shirtless) I could easily see you did quite a work on it.(Removed Brad's belt) It almost yelled your preparation.(Unbuttoned his jeans and removed them also) But I thought I'd give it a bad grade just for this.(Removed Brad's underwear; leaving him naked) Do you think what I did was wrong?(starts giving Brad a handjob slowly) Tell me."

Brad's dick was already hard the second he closed the door. But it wasn't grown to it's full length. It reached to it's limit when Mr. Johnson started giving a handjob. Brad was letting out soft moans all the time. Hearing Brad's moans, Mr. Johnson felt so hot for him and in effect he pressed his lips with Brad's. Gave him a smooth smooch. And then it got dirty. Their tongues started to play now. They played in each other's mouth, devouring inside it. Brad jumped a little when Mr. Johnson held his hand and placed it onto the collar of his shirt; indicating to unclothe him. Which Brad did very slowly. In a minute, they both were naked with Brad sitting on the teacher's desk.

That was it. Brad couldn't take it anymore. He had to. He broke the kiss and indicated for Mr. Johnson to sit on the teacher's table. Which he did; expecting of what coming next. Brad placed a few kissed here and there on Mr. Johnson's body and played with his nipples which were now harder than stone itself; which he loved. After playing with the belly buttom with his tongue he locked the upper part of Mr. Johnson's dick which was leaking pre cum and then gave him a blowjob. Seeing the dick hard and straight up, Brad couldn't get enough of it.

They both soon realised that the next class would begin in a few times. But they just couldn't get enough of each other. They hated that they got so vulnerable to lost track of time and miss a fuck. The fucks which Brad receives from Mr. Johnson were so pleasurable. But they didn't have any time for a fuck. So they left their make out session with blowjobs. It sure felt incomplete but they should've known in class in the time between classes won't be enough for them. From their previous experiences.

Mr. Johnson sighed and said, "Well, I guess your paper is now worthy of a B."

"Thanks. I'll do better next time." Brad said with a wink. He unlatched the door, gave a quick look at Mr. Johnson who now resumed to his work, felt disappointed and went to his next class.

For Brad, next class was Math. Which he hated. He was good at it. He was even one of the toppers but he still thought of it as a boring subject. And the subject wasn't the only reason why his mood was killed. The fact that he had to meet with Matt was maddening. Matt was a classmate who shared only one subject with Brad; Math. And from two years, Matt is trying to lure Brad to date him. Yes, Matt was out and proud for over three years. But Brad wasn't out yet though he knew he will never do anything intimidating with any girl. He totally hated the idea of those boobs. He was a fan of nipples but only when it was on a flat surface with some hairs around it and not on something bouncy and bubbly. And a hole on both the sides was a big no to him. But he didn't want to come out till his school was over. Which didn't have a year. He was in his final year of high school.

Matt had everything for anyone to be mad over heels for him. White ethnicity, black hair long enough to cover his eyes when they are wet, eyes ocean blue, nose thin and small, lips small and pink but kissable and jaw so good and perfect that it seemed like a slant slide. Brad having Matt in his football team, noticed he has perfect six abs with muscular arms and clean armpits. Legs were too tall and muscular. Matt was kind and loving, but also strong so he was someone who shouldn't be refused if asks on a date, but Brad just didn't like Matt in that way.

Brad tried to focus but failed when Matt was continuously whispering things to him. But he couldn't do anything. As a matter of fact, Brad too was a decent guy. So he kept on listening to Matt and answering a 'yes' or 'no' whenever he thought he should. The class was over and when Brad was packing his things as it was lunch, Matt asked, "Text you?"

Brad answered hurriedly as he was in a hurry to go washroom, "Yeah, sure" And Brad went without noticing the smile plastered on Matt. He went in the washroom and saw Mr. Johnson washing his face. Brad joined him and asked, "Your text couldn't be coming at a better time. I totally needed this to set my mood up."

Mr. Johnson wiped his face with a couple of tissues and said, "Well we didn't quite finish talking. I just wanted to continue that." Brad smiled.

Brad's mouth was covered by Mr. Johnson's hands so that his moans and groans won't be audible. They weren't naked full but naked enough so that Mr. Johnson could fuck Brad. The stall was small but was manageable. Brad was sitting on the toilet seat with his legs stretched up in the air and Mr. Johnson stood to penetrate and hence making them one. When Brad thought he couldn't hold it anymore, he released a warm shoot of cum. And seeing his shoot, Mr. Johnson decided to shoot too on Brad's face so he could eat it; which he did.

Their fucking ended within five minutes. And who could get sweaty enough to get suspicious in five minutes. They were smart enough to know that. They had to be safe and discreet. So they were.

Brad joined his best friend Brady and his other friends on their table. They asked him about his whereabouts but he just answered them by saying he was in washroom.

"Yo, mate. There's a party this at Matt's on Saturday. You wanna come?" Frank asked to Brady.

"Sure why not? And Brad will join us too, right?" Brady asked to Brad.

"Have I ever missed an opportunity to a party, Brady?" Brad asked Brady to which he shook his head.

"Today is Tuesday." Seline said who was Frank's girlfriend. "And my father's birthday is like 1..2..3..4.(gasps) Sorry love. I cannot come with you on the party. I promised to celebrate his birthday with a family dinner. It's all planned well before. Sorry."

"No prob, dear." Frank said and placed a gentle kiss on Seline's left cheek.

~The same day 7.00 pm~

"You know you are here for about 2 hours." Mr. Johnson said to Brad who was sitting in front of him writing something in his apartment.

"Well my work isn't done yet. I have to finish this assignment. Tomorrow's the last day for it." Brad stated while writing.

"Whose subject is it?" Mr. Johnson asked.

"Yours." Brad answered.

"Meh... I can give you a good grade right on it." Mr. Johnson said with a wink. He went to kiss Brad.

(declined his offer) "No. I don't want this to be for my benefits. I want to make a real effort to get into a good college and not just go by your fake good grades." Brad stated and continued writing.

Mr. Johnson took a sigh of disappointment, "Well I am not here for you so you could use me whenever you can." He said with irritation.

"Yes I know. Because it's kinda opposite, isn't it?" Brad snapped.

Mr. Johnson held his head in his hands and said, "Not this again."

"No!(stopped writing) I come here once twice a day in hope to spend some time with you. Some quality time. Fuck, we do that every time! I don't wanna be just your fuck toy." Brad said with hint of sadness in the last statement.

"You are not my fuck toy, Brad." Mr. Johnson stated.

"Well, it feels like it. We fuck each other for most of the time. After class, in toilet stalls, in janitor room, in supply room, etcetera! It's not just your body I am mad over for, it's you too. For me, this isn't just physical. But you've made it very clear that for you, it is just physical. And i don't wanna be a part of this any-fucking-more!" Brad stands to leave once he finishes off collecting all of his things avoiding all of Mr. Johnson's questions like 'What are you doing?' 'What is this?'.

"I am leaving." Brad said boldly. He went to approach the door.

"This is not just physical, not for me!" Mr. Johnson shouted. He stood up and started walking towards Brad. "This is as important to me as it is to you. You know this is really special to me."

"No, I don't know. You never mentioned it!" Brad who stopped walking said while still showing his back.

"Well, now I am telling you. This is special to me.(holds Brad's right hand who still was showing his back) You are special." Mr. Johnson emphasized on the last word.

Brad turned to see Mr. Johnson and truth in his eyes. He really loved his eyes. Brown eyes which looked so perfect with the rest of his face. Mr. Johnson didn't had any great face. He was like a normal man. Tall but not giant, white ethnicity, nose slim and small and plum red lips. He wasn't muscular nor he had any abs. But he was slim and smooth. And Brad was like the complete OPPOSITE. Muscular and abs, taller than he should be at his age, hazel eyes and skin as white as Robert Pattinson. But Brad didn't require a good body and looks. He just loved Mr. Johnson because of who he was. Caring, smart, kind and funny. Those four qualities was more than just good looks for Brad. And yes if it wasn't clear before, Brad is in love with Mr. Johnson.

~The same day at night~

Brad was laying on his bed so he could sleep. But as usual after having talks with Mr. Johnson, his sleep would be like Leornado DiCaprio saying 'Catch me if you can!' This wasn't the first time Brad talked with Mr. Johnson. He had tried to tell him how he really feels for many times. But he always would get the same reply:

'Not this again.'

Then again he would sometimes get this too:

'God Brad, I want you so much now!!'

He couldn't help himself whenever Mr. Johnson would say this one. He was so mad for him. But each time Mr. Johnson failed to express how he feels for Brad. But that day, he did express how he feels for Brad.

'You are special.'

He couldn't think anything else than this line from his mouth. It felt like the line was reverberating in his head. And that night, he wasn't sleepless in sadness or misery on Mr. Johnson's negligence but he was happy that he was special to Mr. Johnson. He thanked God for this.


"Faster!" Brad shouted in a low voice. "Deeper."



Brad couldn't think of any limit to Mr. Johnson's fucking. He was groaning and moaning whenever the full length of Mr. Johnson's dick would go inside him. The fuck that day in his house was way more passionate than any other times. It was warmer and more loving. That time it wasn't greed that was in majority. It was affection. It was care.

Then something unusual happened. Brad felt Mr. Johnson's dick being removed out from his butt hole. But he hadn't had enough. And it certainly wasn't enough for Mr. Johnson as well. That he knew. So why did Mr. Johnson removed his dick? And when Brad thought he might've stopped because he was tired or his dick may gone soft, Mr. Johnson removed the condom also.


But Mr. Johnson didn't bareback him. Instead he got up from his bed and gave a signal to Brad so he also could stand up. Brad stood up with no idea of what's going on. Mr. Johnson's dick was hard. So he had no idea. When Brad was on his feet, Mr. Johnson held Brad's waist and pulled him closer to him. Their faces were only inches away. Mr. Johnson kissed Brad's eyes, then kissed his nose, kissed his right cheek and then moved his lips and plastered them on Brad's. The kiss was unlike any other kisses. It was humble, warmth and caring. There was no tongue business. They just played with each other's lips. For Brad, this was very much new. It was unusual of them to kiss for so long and not taste each other's mouth. But he liked it.

Then Mr. Johnson did something very unusual when he felt the kiss was enough, he started licking and kissing Brad's upper body. Mr. Johnson loved the way Brad smelled. Apple and almond. How can something so basic could be so addictive to someone right? That was Mr. Johnson. Addictive to basic. He felt the luckiest man on earth when he kissed those abs. And then it all went to his dick and a blowjob. Mr. Johnson liked to deep throat again and again and whenever he would do it, Brad would be so crazy and so mad over heels for Mr. Johnson. Brad was surrounded with a whole new universe. Never have Mr. Johnson ever gave Brad a blowjob. It was always Brad who would be down there.

Mr. Johnson's head was plopping up and down, deep throating every now and then. Brad grunted so much. After licking all the pre cum, he got up and laid on the bed. For a second there Brad thought Mr. Johnson invited him to lay on him and kiss, sniff, giving hickies. But something unexpected happened. He raised his legs up in air and stretched it apart. Just in case Brad wasn't clear, Mr. Johnson fingered his hole and bit his bottom lip. Brad was happy and surprised as to know what Mr. Johnson was asking him to do. To eat his hole. This was long overdue and Brad wanted this to happen but when it was happening, he couldn't believe it.

In greed, he started eating the hole. Licking, spitting and blowing air. Then he fingered the hole. After that he felt the need to eat it again, so he ate it. Mr. Johnson's moans and grunts were unstoppable. Mr. Johnson now got it why Brad would release soft moans when he'd eat Brad's hole. Mr. Johnson was feelings those tickles inside his stomach. It was so pleasurable. Upon getting several indications from Mr. Johnson, Brad started fucking him. Pushing his bare dick in his hole. Mr. Johnson felt a little twinge for a little while but when he took it slow, Mr. Johnson got okay with it. He got the hang of it. Fucking Mr. Johnson was the one thing Brad dreamt about so many times. And that to wet dreams. And now when he was actually fucking him, he felt it just how he imagined it would. Brad has leaked pre cum inside his ass; he knew. Fucking and giving a handjob to Mr. Johnson while he was enjoying it. Mr. Johnson felt weak and he shooted his load of hot cum. Seeing that, Brad removed his dick and shooted his load. Brad laid beside Mr. Johnson and kissed him.

After that act which happened for the first time; Brad fucking Mr. Johnson, Brad needed a shower. He offered Mr. Johnson to share the shower. But being fucked for the first time, Mr. Johnson was tired and said he'll do it afterwards. Brad took a towel and went in the bathroom. He looked himself in the mirror. He looked so happy and satisfied. He was extraordinarily happy. Mr. Johnson was fucked by him. And that was the most passionate sex they have ever done. It was almost like not sex but making love. They were the same thing though but this time it was just more than lust and act of being horny and more like an act of love and care, real attraction. He was so happy.

Brad felt an urge to mouthwash as he felt he should after eating Mr. Johnson's hole. So he opened the cabinet in front of him. When he opened it, the thing he found was not at all expected. He was confused and also happy to see the small thing in front of him. It was an engagement ring.

'Is this really happening?'

He saw the ring and just blinked several times. He took it and just looked at it with long broad eyes. He then chuckled. With pure happiness. He loved it. He was ready to be committed his whole life. With Mr. Johnson. He didn't think Mr. Johnson would ever make it official with him. But he was. Brad tried the ring in his ring finger but to his surprise, the ring was not in the perfect size for him. It was tight. He couldn't believe Mr. Johnson couldn't pick out a ring for his size.

'Damn, this is so tight! Was he trying to purchase a ring for him because this would sure fit him...'

And that's when it hit Brad.

Brad came out of the bathroom with the ring in his right hand.

"What's this?" Brad asked with a tear in his left eye.

Mr. Johnson who was laying on his bed; resting on his stomach, looked at him and got surprised and nervous,

"That's a ring!" He tried to act stupid. He sighed rolling his eyes when he saw Brad was in no mood for jokes. He was damn serious.

"Look I am sorry. I just didn't want to bombard you with this news."

"Yes! And use me as much as you can, right?" Brad questioned; being hurt.

"No! What the hell are you saying? No! I wanted to just be with you for the remaining days we have."

"Remaining days...(gasps) I don't want our days to end! How about that?" Brad asked in anger.

Mr. Johnson sighed, "Not this, please! Not now...."

Brad interrupted, "Not now. Always 'not now'. You've been saying this (air quoted) not now again and again and now your engaged! You wanna talk now? After you are engaged? You told me I was special. Special for what? Nothing! You just wanted to screw me. I was just a useless fucker. Coward!" He shouted, threw the ring at him and stormed out.


Brad still was sulking from what happened on Thursday. His family was worried for him because Brad would be the cheeriest member in his family. But watching him just sitting in his room and being quiet at dinner when it is usually him who starts any topic to start was something his family wasn't at all liking one bit. Especially his little five year old sister to whom he was a superman. He would always make her happy and always have time for her. But she couldn't do anything about it. Never having any experience of Brad sulking, she didn't know what to do about it.

Brady also tried to cheer him up but Brad was just deep into sadness and hurt. He was so hurt that he skipped Mr. Johnson's class. Which never happened. He never thought he would skip his class but he did.

Brad was about to curse again when he got a message from Brady.

Brady: 'Hey dude. Coming to the party right?'

Brad was no longer feeling for a party.

'No man. Not feeling like it.'


'You seriously dumping me today?'

Brad was confused

'Yeah, why can't I?'

Brady texted after taking some time

'You still don't remember?'

Brad asked in confusion

'No. What is it?'

'It's my birthday, dude!' Brady texted within a second. Literally a second. As if he already wrote it.

Brad was dumbfounded

'What? Your birthday is not today! It is tomorrow. Tomorrow's 22.'


'Man are you high? Today is 22.'

Brad checked his notification bar and he was so fucked.

'Fuck! I forgot.'

'I am sorry.'


'And here I thought you had a surprise for me when you didn't wish me any before and that you would give me the surprise at party...😔'

Brad really was at fault here. It gives him no right to forget his best friend's birthday in his misery. He was with him for so long. Brady never for once forgot Brad's birthday.

'Okay. I'll come to the party.'


'Sure as hell you are! Because that's the least you can do now!'

Brad cursed himself after his conversation with Brady ended. He shouldn't have forgotten Brady's birthday. He realised if he has to be sulking, then he should sulk at the person he is mad at and not at everyone around him. And just then his little sister entered in his room.

"Hey Charlotte! What are you doing here?" Brad asked.

"I just wanted to show you a drawing I've made. Do you wanna see it?" Charlotte asked in her cute baby tone.

"Of course, I do! Come here!" Brad showed fake enthusiasm.

Then Charlotte went to Brad's bed where he was sitting and handed him the drawing which Brad accepted gladly. He was so proud of his sister to make that drawing. It was his brother wearing a superman costume and with his little sister sitting on his shoulders eating ice cream. They both were having those big smiles. Her drawing was smudged and not so great but it showed how much she cares for him and loves him.

"I thought maybe this will cheer you up..." His sister mumbled.

This statement hit Brad so hard. It gave him no right treat his sister like that even when she hasn't done anything. He took her up and she sat in his arms. He gave her a kiss and went down in the kitchen where he knew his mother would be. And he was right. She was there. He could see her back so he gave her a hug.

"Sorry mom. I know I've been off for a while. And I was treating you not good. It's not right because you have done nothing wrong. I am sorry." Brad said with wet eyes.

His mother rubbed his hands which were around his neck. "It's okay love. I am so happy that you realised this.(turns to give her a kiss on his forehead) What was bothering you dear?"

"Just someone. Turns out I shouldn't be sulking at you guys because of him.... Oh..." Brad was so overflown that he spoke a 'him' .

"What 'Oh' ?"

"Mom, I just said the someone as him. You didn't notice?" Brad was confused as his mom was the most noticing member of his family.

"So?" His mother asked.

"You aren't surprised?" Brad remained confused.

"Because you crush over the his' or him's ? Baby I knew that. Your father too." Her mom stated.

"You do?!" Brad was surprised.

"Brad, you've come from us. You think we don't know stuff about you?" Her mom raised a question.

"So I won't ever get the great feeling you get after coming out?" Brad asked faking sadness.

His mom smacked lightly on his arm and chuckled. "Brad, If you want. You can come out to me now. I'd fake a shocked gasp."

Brad shrugged and said,

"Mom, I am gay." And just after that, his mom faked a gasp.

"Better?" Her mom asked.

"Worse!" Brad said a little louder and they both started laughing. "Hey mom, is there any chance the thing I requested from you and dad could be arranged today?"

"What? But you needed it tomorrow right?" Her mom asked.

"Yes, but I need it now." He whispered.

"It's today, isn't it? I knew it!' She again smacked Brad's head a little harder than before.

"Ow!" He shouted to which his little standing down around him was laughing.

"I knew it! I know him better than you I think!"

"Is that so? Do you know this that he is gay?" Brad asked.

"Of course! You know I am the most noticing member of the family." His mom answered proudly.

"I know, Sherlock." Brad said with emphasising on the last word to which they both laughed. "So, is there any chance?"

His mom sighed, "Yes! I'll ask your dad to send someone and deliver it, okay?"

Brad kissed his mother's forehead, "You are the best( walking towards his room) And please tell him to hurry. I'll be leaving in a couple of hours."

"Where to?" His mom asked.

"To a party." Brad shouted while walking up the stairs.

Brad took a shower as he was sure he needed it. He looked at himself naked in the mirror and realised that he looks far better than he appreciates it. And that anyone would be mad for him. But odds weren't in his favour as he was mad for Mr. Johnson. The mere thought of him made him cross his eyebrows. Made him frown. But today wasn't supposed to be about Mr. Johnson. Today was supposed to be about Brady because he owed him that.

He looked in his closet and realised almost everything is great. And if he wear any one of them, he would look better than Brady who was just a normal looking kid. That was his birthday and he had every right to look the best. So he just took out a black muscle t-shirt and and wore a denim jacket over it, wore skinny white jeans and North Star black coloured canvas shoes. He set his hair with water and not with gel or wax because Brady had to look the best and not him. He paid a glance at the mirror the last time.


He was looking damn sexy and handsome. Girls are gonna drool over him but he didn't want that. He wanted Mr. Johnson to drool over him.

'Woah, Woah! Remove that thought! Scratch that thought! Off to the recycle bin!'

But if only it would be that easy.....

His miserable thoughts were flicked out when he heard a doorbell. He immediately understood that the thing he was waiting for has arrived. He looked at it and it was perfect. Just how he wanted. He said goodbye to his mother and went to the location of the party with the thing. The location was a little far away but it wasn't something to be worried about. As he had the thing. After something like 15 minutes, he called Brady in front of Matt's gigantic house where the party was held.

"Hey, Alzheimer." Brady greeted; harshly.

"Hey. Can you come out?" Brad asked.

"I've come out ages ago! You've forgotten that too?" Brady asked.

"Don't joke around. Just come out. I am waiting." Brad demanded.

"What? A birthday boy isn't allowed to joke around about you? I was on my way already. I was playing with you. You could at least give me that because you have forgotten...(comes out and sees Brad with his gift) my gift....." Brady couldn't say anything else. Not after seeing what Brad gave him.

"Surprise!" Brad shouted in a cheerful smile.

It was a black Suzuki Hayabusa. And black so black that it might gave the dark night a complex. It was so stylish. Brady's eyes were like marbles. Whole circle in complete surprise and shock. Brad came to Brady to give him the keys.

"Is this for real?" Brady asked still in confusion.

"Yes, it's real. And all for you." Brad assured him and offered him the keys again.

This time Brady took it with whole excitement. And happiness. He waved a hand through his new reason to live.

"Do you like it?" Brad asked.

"Are you serious? I can kiss you for this!" Brady squeaked after saying this.

"Then do it...." Brad ended his statement with a whisper.

"What?" Brady asked in confusion.

Brad didn't know what just happened and to avoid the awkward silence any more, he leant in for a hug. A tight hug, indeed.

"Happy birthday mate!" Brad shouted.

"Yeah thanks, but...." Brady was about to ask something when Brad interrupted him.

"Do you wanna go for a test drive? I'd love a ride with you... I mean on this bike. Because it is as good and handsome as you.... Come on!" Brad was nervous. Why, he didn't know. Then Brad handed him a helmet and took one too. Which were both same with the shape and colour. Brady without any more questions agreed to Brad in excitement.

While Brady was biking around, Brad who was just sitting behind him thinking about something else. Why did he answer to Brady 'do it' when he said he could just kiss Brad. He was over him the moment Mr. Johnson walked in and conducted his first lecture when he was 16. But why did he think he would want Brady to kiss him. And why was he so nervous after that? He only loved Mr. Johnson and wanted only him to kiss him but why was he thinking of Brady kissing him. Such questions filled his mind and he couldn't enjoy his ride with him.

They both reached to the party after some time and it felt the party had somehow got better as it was louder, darker and the smell of alcohol was stronger. So why not enter. They entered and girls immediately started gazing at them; most at Brad. Brady even in his black skinny shirt black scarf and skinny white jeans was no competition to Brad. They screamed gay but the girls didn't care. They satisfied them by just looking at them and imagining. The boys too enjoyed it because the girls were just looking and not biting. Being gay, they also enjoyed girls' stares.

They went over to the bar counter and ordered some beers. They were talking and laughing and drinking beers and dancing too. They both were each other's company when it came to having fun. They were rating every guy and girl. Brady being such a normal looking was very expecting. He gave every guy not more than 5 out of 10. He gave a guy 6 just becuase he flicked his hair while Brady was looking at him to rate him. Some girls came to have a chance who were dumb enough to not understand their dressing style. They both just laughed when every girl went pissed off after they told her they're gay.

"So... What was the thing you said earlier?" Brady managed to ask the question he had in mind.

"What?" Brad asked confused.

"The thing you said when I said that I could just kiss you. What did you say?" Brady again asked.

Brad again got nervous. "Well...." Brad looked here and there to get a topic to divert on. He was lucky as he saw a rather handsome and sexy guy coming towards them. "Hey man, new guy at 6 o'clock." Brad let out a relieved sigh.

Brady looked at the direction and saw a guy walking towards them. Tall, handsome and looked a little like Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire. Actually, he looked better. "You're right. He is hot. I guess he's new." Brady commented.

"Yeah. We haven't rated him yet. He is a 9 for sure. For me." Brad commented. "What about you?"

"I can't decide. Confused between 6 or 7." Brady said with a chuckle.

Brad gasped and said, "Your highest for him is 7! Dude, you have some high standards!"

"Okay don't shout he's here." Brady informed and Brad looked. He was a couple of steps away from them.

"Hi." The guy greeted to them but he was mostly looking at Brady.

"Hey." Brad was the first one to greet. Brady did too.

"I am Michael." The guy informed. Brad frowned at the name but he ignored it.

"Pleasure to meet you Michael, here is Brad" Brady informed. It felt as if Brady wasn't interested enough on the guy.

Michael shook Brad's hand when he offered and said, "Hi Brad. And what's your name." He asked to Brady.

Brady was confused, "What, you wanna know my name?(Michael nodded) Um, well.. this is new... Um.. I am Brady." Brady informed.

"Oh!(points at Brad) Brad (points at Brady) Brady! Brad-Brady!"

"Yeah we get that a lot..." Brad said.

"Oh!(Michael's eyes get big) I am sorry. You aren't together, are you?" Michael asked.

Brad was about to say something when Brady interrupted him, "No, no, no, no, no! Him, no! Oh god no! No. He is just my best friend." Brady answered in a manner like he found Michael's question a joke. Brad was a little hurt seeing Brady's reaction. He didn't expect anything else for Brady to say anything else but he just didn't expected this manner. But he avoided it.

"Actually that was one of the reasons why we became friends." Brad said with a smile.

Michael chuckled and said while scratching the back of his neck,

"So it won't be any uncomfort to you if I take your friend for a dance?"

Brady raised his right arm upto his chest and asked, "Woah, woah! Shouldn't you ask that question to me if I wanna dance with you or not?"

Michael gave a smirk, "Why? You don't want to?"

"You don't want to?" Brad asked the same question within a second. Right after Michael did.

Brady got a little ashamed when Michael was staring at him with a smirk. "I do...." Brady whispered in a low voice; looking down.

"So what's the problem? Come on." Michael said with offering him a hand.

Brady was about to accept his hand when he suddenly stopped and asked Brad, "Hey, you'll be okay right?"

Brad crossed his eyebrows, faking a giggle and said, "Yes, yeah. I'll find someone else. I'll find Frank. You go have fun." Brad assured him while giving a fake smile. But Brady in that dark lighting and noise, couldn't notice it and went away.

A part of Brad was hurt because Brady left with Michael. But he ignored it; again and started searching for Frank. The party was at Matt's and Frank was one of his good friends. So he must be here. He just had to find him in this big mansion. He started looking for Frank in every room of the ground floor but he didn't find him and not even in the bathroom. So he took the stairs to go to next storey. The first and last storey seemed as the make out spot. Some were kissing on supporting the wall while some on the floor. He opened the first room but and saw something very bizarre. Two naked women. Doing things to each other. To be precise, one girl was eating other's pussy. He saw it only for a second and closed the door but he saw enough to disgust him. He could see one naked girl with a naked guy but two naked women was out of the question. But he just couldn't quit now. He must find Frank. There were other rooms but he decided to end his quest to find Frank after looking in just another room.

He opened the next door and what he saw he wish he won't see again. It was Frank fucking some girl. Some girl which wasn't Seline. He was cheating on Seline. For him, Frank and Seline was the ultimate couple goal. They were the best couple for him. He didn't see them fight one single time and always see them in deep love with each other. It was them who gave him dreams of Mr. Johnson. He wanted him and Mr. Johnson to be like them. But here was Frank cheating on Seline. It felt and seemed more than just sex. It was passionate. Cheat sex is usually just lustrous sex but this was passionate.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Brad shouted enough for them to stop what they were doing.

"Brad, hey listen man...." But before Frank could say anything else, Brad went and slammed the door.

The world for Brad seemed to collapse. His foundation of Romantic world was Frank and Seline who was with each other since sixth grade. The fact that they could cheat each other made him think that if they could then anyone could. He saw his parents fight but he never saw Frank and Seline fight. They agreed on each other every time. They didn't one single time doubted each other. He just was devastated. He couldn't be any more miserable. This made him coming back to Mr. Johnson and his whole situation with him. His head was aching. He wanted to talk to Brady.

Brad asked for beer at the bar counter. He couldn't talk to Brady. Not after he saw Brady in Michael's arms. He just couldn't bombard him with his whole dilemma. Seeing Brady with Michael also didn't help. It made matters worse. He had no idea as to why he was so hurt to see Brady with another guy so close. He always wished Brady to have someone nice with him. But when he saw him with Michael, he was just angry and sad. But he couldn't do anything.

After some like two beers, someone came to sat beside him. And he did. He only made things worse for Brad. He was so cursing himself for going to the party. He was the last person he'd like to see at that time.

"Hey." He greeted.

"You're here?" Brad asked a little annoyed.

"This is is my house, so I'll be here, won't I?" Matt replied sarcastically. But it was no sarcastic to Brad.

"Oh, right. This is your house." Brad said with a fake chuckle. "It's good."

"But it doesn't feel like good. It kinda feels lonely." Brad noticed Matt said that with a sad smile. And that's when he properly looked at him. He was looking better than usual days. But better wasn't the exact word in Brad's mind. It was sexier and damn cute. Mainly because his hair was set up way better.

"Why do you say that?" Brad asked.

"(sighs) Nothing. I don't wanna talk about it right now, you know. I kinda wanna talk about you. You seem.. not good... What's wrong?" Matt asked.

"Nothing. Everything.(chuckles) You know I always wanted to say this. 'Nothing. Everything'. To know how it feels while saying it.(shouts) I FEEL NOTHING! I am sorry for that. That wasn't true. I feel so much that it is hurting me. I wish I couldn't feel because I won't be going through what I am going through now. You know, my head hurts...." And that was the last thing he said before he was rolling his eyes and sighing. His face was pale. Maybe all the thoughts and alcohol were showing it's effect in an adverse way.

"Whoa woah. You don't look good. Come on. Let me get you somewhere." Matt held him up and was now carrying him. He saw Matt carrying him to the first floor where he saw all those bizarreness. He argues with Matt of how the situation is up there but he said he'd be putting him somewhere safe; away from all of those disgust. It was his house so Brad believed him.

Matt opened a room and placed Brad on the bed. The room looked like someone had just been there. Brad believed it could be other people having sex. Brad's headache seemed to cool down. He was feeling a lot better. When he finally saw where Matt was sitting; which was beside him, he asked and broke the silence,

"Where were you? I haven't seen you anywhere! This is your party but you weren't anywhere."

Matt raised his brows and gave a sad smile, "Well, I know this is my party. And I hoped this would you know, clear things off my head. I felt this is what I need. But I was wrong. Being out there, made me feel worse because I was running away from something I didn't want to. And so, I was sitting here."

Brad then noticed what Matt was actually wearing. White t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Something not for a party host to wear.

"What about your friends? You didn't want be with them too?" He asked.

"They're just friends for names. They wouldn't even remember my name after a year. They're my friends for just my popularity.(chuckles) Can you believe it? A footballer has friend issues." His sad smile never left his face.

Brad felt a strong tingle in his stomach. Personally, he never considered Matt so sexy before. Even with his sad smile, he looked sexy as fuck. Speaking of which, Brad was dreading for a fuck. Saturday was the third day since he last had sex. It was the longest break. He would for sure get fucked once in two days. Or most of the times, everyday. But this was only the third day. The fact which Brad was ignoring was he's missing Mr. Johnson. Like really missing him and his long dick. Just the mere thought of Mr. Johnson's dick got his dick hard and got him so horny. He was anxious. He really needed a dick. He didn't notice that with Mr. Johnson before, but now he did and realised he was addicted to sex. He could feel the upper part of his dick leaving the strap of his underwear. It was becoming that big. And there was sitting Matt.

'He is attracted to me, so why the hell not?'

Brad put his left hand on Matt's lap and started rubbing it slowly. Matt would be lying if he say he wasn't confused. He was confused af! But when Brad touched his dick, he was sure of what he was asking to do. Brad started to rub Matt's dick which was hard as rock. And that he could feel even through his sweatpants.

Brad put his hand inside his sweatpants and started giving him a handjob. Rubbing the pee-hole with his thumb to which Matt moaned. The speed intensified and now Brad was throbbing his hand on Matt's dick. Matt was also now filled with lust and hunger. Matt got up, stripped himself naked. Matt looked like a Greek God. He was tall, hard built and his dick stood upright. Then Matt helped Brad to strip and there he sat with Brad who was naked too. Matt sensed a hint of shy in Brad's eyes overpowered with lust and greed. He swooped his lips and plastered them on Brad's.

To feel someone else's sensation of lips on his, Brad was mad in wanting more. After all the tongue business, Matt was determined to give Brad a hickey on his neck. Which he did. Brad's moans made their dicks harder and harder. They both were embraced in a hug while kissing each other. It was passionate. For Matt. For Brad it was just lust. Matt finally realised that they have dicks too when he felt something wet down there. He prepared himself not to leak pre-cum while kissing. But his cock being rubbed by Brad's didn't help to keep his decision. Brad gave a few kisses on his neck and realised there were nipples too. He made a mental note to come back to that later because right then, he wanted Brad's hard cock in his mouth.

Matt was mesmerized to see Brad's erected dick.

'So big! I must be the luckiest guy!!'

He took the whole length of it in his mouth to which Brad gasped. Matt was throbbing his head up and down and Brad was going crazy. He held the blanket on the bed tightly. Leaking pre-cum was done which made Matt going up and down even faster. What left was fucking. But Matt didn't seem to leave Brad's dick. Brad also hadn't any issues. He loved it. Matt was doing it just like Mr. Johnson does. What came into his mind he didn't know but what he said next, he regretted the second he said it.

"Yes, Mr. Johnson! Just like that....."

Brad who started the sentence with a shout ended it with a whisper. Because he knew what he said. It was very clear.

Hearing that, Matt immediately stopped and looked up in confusion.

"What?" He asked dreading if he wasn't gonna hear his answer. He didn't want an awkward silence. But Brad could only give him that. Coming out from all those rush and pleasure abruptly, he couldn't make his brain work to form up an excuse.

"What!" Matt shouted in anger.

"I.. just let me explain..." Brad blurted out but he was shut off from Matt.

"You were fucking using me?! I don't believe this! You are so selfish! You just don't understand others and their feelings, do you? Well I don't think you do provided you with your godly face! You think you can play with anyone right? But you cannot because you don't have the fucking right! Get the hell out!!" Matt spoke the things coming in his mind.

"Look, Matt..." Brad tried to explain but he was cutt of again.

"Don't! You just get out of here! Leave my fucking house! And don't you fucking dare make me say it again." Matt threatened which helped as Brad wore his clothes while Matt sat on the bed; looking down with head in his hands and left.

Of course Brad don't have to literally leave just because Matt stated but he did want to leave as he was just no longer in the mood for a party anymore. He made his way out of the big spacious house and just realised as to how he would reach home. He had no car and didn't have enough money to call a cab. There was no bus stop and he couldn't walk alone as it wasn't safe at that hour. He couldn't go in to ask Brady for the keys. As a matter of fact, he could but he didn't want to face Brady with that Michael. He again frowned at the name. So he was basically standing outside the house just doing nothing. Thinking of what he could do.

Just then Matt walked out and went to the garage. And he was out with his car.

"Get in." That's the only thing Matt said; that to in an angry voice. Brad with his absence of any other option, got in and Matt started the car. The whole ride was silent. Literally silent. No music, noting. If it wasn't for other vehicles' noise, Brad would sure be able to hear Matt's breath. He didn't at all liked this side of Matt but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. And that this was all completely, one hundred percent his fault. He missed Matt's bright smile so bad now. And his soft, kind and humble voice.

Matt parked in front of Brad's house which seemed smaller than usual. Maybe because Brad just came from a fucking castle. Of course it wasn't a castle.

"I am sorry the way I reacted." Matt spoke which spooked Brad. And surprised also.

"No! If it is anyone to be apologizing, it has to be me. I am so sorry I tried to use you." Brad genuinely said.

"That you were wrong at, but I shouldn't just ask you to leave knowing you had no means to travel back home."

"How did you know that?"

"Well, I know everything about you.(Brad giggled a little) That, and I talked with Brady after you went and he told me you don't have your car and no money with you. So I felt I had to drop you off. I mean it was me who kicked you out so it's my duty also to make sure you reach home safely." Matt stated.

"Thanks. Really. You are a sweet guy but you should know, we can't. I couldn't make me feel those feelings for you. I just couldn't. I tried but I can't. I am so sorry." Brad meant every word he said. There were so many times that Matt helped Brad being in the same football team. And yet he couldn't feel anything for him. He was one of those guys to whom he cannot feel anything.

"I kinda figured after this. I know now that we'll be never together. It breaks my heart to say this but it is what it is. And I just have to live with it." Matt said with his sad smile.

"But we can be...." Brad was cut off again.

"Don't say friends. We can never be friends. And don't get this the wrong way, but I hope after school, I never see your face in my whole life. Let alone be friends. You understand this, right?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, I understand." Brad replied.


The whole Sunday was spent in boredom and sulking. There were literally so many reasons for that. Brady, Matt, Frank and Seline and who could forget Mr. Johnson? He hated himself for breaking Matt's heart so bad. He was so confused in terms for Brady. Maybe he was just jealous of Michael, but there was no way to explain his want to kiss him. He again frowned at the name. He was completely shattered seeing Frank with some other girl; thus completely forgot the meaning of love and the never ending dilemma of Mr. Johnson. Brad only said that something happened at the party which shouldn't have to his mother to keep her calm.

First class was of Mr. Johnson which he wanted to avoid but he didn't. He also shared the class with Frank and Seline. He entered the class and saw Frank and Seline waiting impatiently; who when saw him, got up. Brad completely avoided them and sat far away from them. He thought he would explode when he saw Mr. Johnson coming in the class. But kept calm. Mr. Johnson asked to wait after class but Brad dismissed him saying he had something else to do.

Between classes, Frank and Seline tried to talk to Brad but he just ignored them and refused to talk. Lunch began and Brad was eating his food quietly at an unusual table. Within a few minutes, Frank and Seline joined him. Brad stoop up to leave when Frank interrupted him.

"We just want to talk Brad!"

"Why? Why should I talk to you?" Brad asked.

"Brad, calm down." Seline tried.

"Oh please, Seline! You know what he did?" Brad asked furiously.

"I know." Seline answered in a low voice which shook Brad. He wasn't expecting this answer. "And frankly to say, I have been doing the same."

"What?" Brad was confused.

"Brad, we're over for more than two months.(Brad blinked and was speechless) We knew how special we as together were for you. And how important. We didn't wanna hurt you so we continued doing this act for you."

"I wasn't busy because of my father or anything. I had a date." Seline explained.

"(sighs) Why... How? I mean you two were perfect for each other! You always did what the other wanted and never raised a question." Brad managed to speak.

"That was the probelm, you see. We never felt free enough to speak in each other's oppose. And that's why we weren't happy." Brad said.

"Yeah, Brad. I know we were perfect for you and I am sorry we didn't last. But I guess some couples are just not meant to be forever together." Seline said.

At night after dinner, Brad took a shower and hopped on his bed to sleep. But he couldn't. Because the thing that Seline has said reverberated his head.

'Some couples are just not meant to be forever together.'

And with this, he decided to put an end to Mr. Johnson's caused misery. Either he would be with him or not be with him. And waiting wasn't anymore an option. He's soon to join college after all.


After school Brad decided to visit Mr. Johnson personally at his apartment; hopefully not the last time.

Brad stood at the door of Mr. Johnson's apartment; scared. He saw his hands shiver and not courageous enough to ring the bell. He wanted to walk away but he was determined. He didn't came all the way to walk away without getting anything. And so when he was about to ring, the door opened and there stood a woman. The same height as Mr. Johnson, brunette and white. Blue eyes, pink lips and flat nose. She wore a red top with black jacket and blue jeans. The length of her long hair reached till her waist. If Brad would've been straight, he would for sure fall for her.

"Hi. Who are you?" The woman asked.

"Um... I am Brad. One of Mr. Johnson's students. I came here to discuss about a topic." Brad answered hesitately. Just then he heard Mr. Johnson's voice.

"Who is it?" Then Brad saw Mr. Johnson. Hair set with gel, and wearing formal shirt with black jeans. Mr. Johnson's face from happy transitioned completely within a second to horror and nervous.

"(to Mr. Johnson) It's one of your students, Brad. It seems like you do really have a relation with your students after class.(to Brad) I am Michelle, your sir's fiancee." Michelle said.

Brad let out an oh faking surprised as if it wasn't clear. Michelle gave a quick smile to the both of them and left.

"Come in." Mr. Johnson said quietly to which Brad did enter and sat at one of the sofas where he didn't know how many times they've done on it.

"She seems nice." Brad said once Mr. Johnson sat on the same sofa; though maintaining a distance.

Mr. Johnson chuckled, "Yeah, she is.(sighs) Aren't you surprised? That I was marrying a girl?"

Brad took a deep breath and answered, "No. You seemed the one who would marry a girl. I just, you know.."

"Convince me to be with you instead?(Brad nods) That was never going to happen.(Brad continues nodding) But that doesn't mean this wasn't nothing. No. This wasn't nothing. My family is super conservative. Dad is actually. My mom knows about me. Since I was 16 but she couldn't say anything to dad because she knew he'd make my life a living hell once he knows. And that's when I knew, I'll never be what I am. Will never get what I want.(took a deep breath) The talk of my marriage has been going on for 3 years. I have been saying no to every girl. And then you came in my life. And I just wanted to be with you. To be what I truly am with you. I knew this wasn't going to be forever and that it would end and I cannot say no forever. Last time when we were together, I knew this was going to be one of our last times. So I wanted to be the best. And so I let you fuck me. And I loved it. Not because of how great it was. Because youu fucked me. I loved it because I love you. Yes Brad, I love you!(At this point, Brad shredded a tear) You are so special to me. So special because you gave me those memories which I'll hold onto forever and never let go. You made me live myself with you before living a lie.(Gets highly emotional) I am going to live this lie because I cannot be who I am. I am not allowed to. But you will live however you want. You do whatever you want and get whatever you want and not live a lie. And please don't be sulky after this. Be the guy you are. This is truly what a teacher can want from it's student. Or a lover to another lover. Live your life as some are not privileged to do it. Promise me."

"I promise, Mr. Johnson." Brad said.


Brad and Mr. Johnson didn't make out or anything after they had their last talk. Brad simply shook his hand and left. Realising that this was what truly going to happen. Because this was real life. In real life, not every time lovers get together. Brad got his closure the moment Mr. Johnson said that he loves him. The same day, Brad had a talk with his mom about Brady and why was he feeling a sudden attraction to him. His mother said,

"Maybe a part of you always wanted him but you never noticed it until you did."

Brad decided to call Brady to have a talk.

Brady came to his house and saw Brad sitting on the lawn. Brady joined him, "Hey, thanks for the bike. My parents had no problem with it. Finally being a friend of someone whose father sells vehicle for a living paid off.(Brad chuckled and so did Brady) So did you want to talk?"

"Yeah, I wanted to talk. How did it go with Michael?"

"(Chuckled) Oh, him. After we danced, I kind of left him."


"Because It didn't feel right. I mean he was nice and all. But I just wasn't up for it." Brady replied to which Brad frowned.


"(looks at Brad) Maybe because I have.. feelings for someone else..." Brady said shyly.

"You son of Cheryl and Harold. What kind of best friend are you? You didn't tell me this!! Who is he?" He asked frantically.

"Hold this! I wanna ask you something first.(Brad nods) Didn't you tell me to kiss you?" Brady asked which made Brad's face paler.

"Look dude, I am gonna be totally honest with you. I did told you to kiss me." Brad confessed.

"But, why?" Brady was genuinely confused.

"Before 16, a part of something inside me had a major crush on you.(Brady starts to ask something) I know you must have a lot of questions. Believe me, I too have many questions. And so I talked with my mother about this. She says that part still is there wanting you. I don't know what to do. I thought I was over you but that part is still alive. Alive even after I fell for someone else. And so I guess I love you more than anyone. I know this ruins everything between us but I am sorry. I just wanted to be clean with you and I hope this doesn't jeopardize our friendship...."

Brady finally cuts off, "This doesn't jeopardize our friendship, Brad.(chuckles) It's you."

"What's me?" Brad asked confused.

"I have feelings for you.(Brad widens his eyes) Had them since the time we met. You made me realise that I am gay. And you are the reason why no one is perfect ten for me. You are the perfect ten for me. Maybe love, but I am sure I like you and want you for the rest of my life." Brady said while putting his left hand on his right hand.

"And you are telling me this now! We hardly have any time left. School's gonna be over soon!" Brad complained.

"I think like I followed you to school, I maybe follow you to college too." Brady said with a cute smile. "So are we like a thing now?" Brady asked.

"I don't think so now. You said we'll go to college together. So I think we have plenty of time to be a thing. Right now I am not ready to get into a thing. After all, I just got out from sort of a thing." Brad said.

"Why didn't it work out?" Brady asked.

"Because it wasn't meant to."


AN: I know this story was longer than the other two. But the next story would be much shorter.