Cyrene Kingdom Part 4

--The Cyrene Kingdom, The Capital City, The Castle--

Katherine turned back when she heard a knock on her door. "Are you ready?" He asked as she opened the door. Lucian stood there looking effortlessly handsome, waiting for her reply.

They had gotten back from their trip earlier that day and Katherine had spent her time alone in her room contemplating whether or not to tell Lucian what had happened. She wanted to tell him because he always knew what to do but she was afraid that he would have the woman killed just as Quinn feared he would.

"Not yet," Katherine responded, she was yet to do her hair even though she was fully dressed.

Lucian didn't comment a word as he stared at her dress, it was no secret how beautiful and pretty Katherine was. Less than a second later his eyes returned back to hers, "I will be downstairs," he informed and left just as quickly as he appeared.