The Council

--The Cyrene Kingdom, The Castle, The Grand Hall--

The grand hall had been rearranged in a manner similar to that of a very wide round table and the council was seated on a rectangular table on a platform above the round table.

The majority were already seated and were simply waiting for the council to start.

"Welcome, your effort to help the kingdoms grow just by being here is duly noted," Aliah Azon, the leader of the council, said, commencing the meeting.

"First matter of discussion," the council's herald said sharply as he read what was written. "Upon discovery of new-found land, the council brings it to your attention to discuss which kingdom the unclaimed land should go to,"

Michael looked around the round table instinctively, the council was trying to be fair but they all knew who unclaimed land belonged to. His uncle, Samuel, stood from his seat on the far end of the council's table.