Stables Part 1

A/N: I've been trying to increase the number of chapters I write every three days and I surprised myself by writing this in three hours, I'm so happy lol.

Don't forget to vote, comment and review!

--The Nydisian Kingdom, The King's Quarters, The Early Morning--

Alexander placed a soft kiss on Nicole's lips and he slowly released his hold on her as he slid off the bed. His movements off the bed seemed to have stirred Nicole awake. "Come back to bed," She spoke with her eyes still closed.

"I will be back soon," Alexander walked towards the closest to pick out his attire for the day.

Lucian was speaking with the circle of advisors today and although it was not ideal for Alexander to be present nothing was stopping him from doing so.

"Get back?" Nicole gingerly got off the bed and began to wear her nightgown, she and Alex had been intimate the night before. "Where are you going?"