All Aboard Part 2

--The Nydisian Kingdom, The Port, South of The Nydisian Border--

It was well into midnight by the time the carriage arrived at the southern port. Their luggage was currently being loaded when a woman with extremely straight vibrant red hair walked down the ramp to where the men stood.

"Keep the barrels off the ship deck," The woman ordered. She wore fitted leather pants and a corset above her white shirt. "And keep them away from the cabins," some of the barrels contained food and others contained gunpowder, either way, it was not wise to keep either on deck.

The water tide was relatively low but the sound of splashing water against the dock occasionally filled the air.

Llewellyn stepped out of the carriage as he approached the red-haired woman, "Clarissa," He leaned in and placed his forehead on hers.