Theatre Night Part 1

A/N: Please comment and let me know your thoughts. It's nice to talk with my readers.

--The Nydisian Kingdom, The Castle, The Throne Room--

The evening was fast approaching as the ministers, nobles and witnesses began to leave the throne room. 

After breakfast in the dining hall, Lucian had been on the throne since early morning. This was what many demanded of him.

Lucian's personal servant, Elliot stood at the base of the stairs that led to the throne as he awaited to be of use to the Nydisian Lord.

"Milord," The Elder, Anastasia, greeted after waiting for everyone else to leave the throne room. Lucian had brought her from her home in the nearby area to stay in the castle just before he travelled to northern Nydisia.

"It's good to see you haven't left," Lucian leaned back into the throne as he spoke, acknowledging the Elder's presence.