
Since I can remember I have read hundreds of books but my favorites will always be poetry. Every night before going to bed I read one of my favorite poems:

"Successful people, people with power, people with a lot of money

they all look like heaven.

But no they are the dark sky

that controls our lives.

Where and who can I turn in heaven?

Ah! we also want to be heaven.

But not a sky with dark clouds crushing each other but a sky where they support each other.

Where we ourselves become a blue sky.

That's the kind of world I want. "

I hope one day I can be a blue sky myself.

I've always wanted to write my own but I'm so bad, I don't even want to try.

I notice that it is 3:40 a.m. and I still cannot sleep, since I can remember I have suffered from insomnia and no matter how hard I try, I cannot have a pleasant night.


When I wake up, it's 11 a.m. the first thing I hear is the sound of my cell phone telling me that I have a work appointment later.

I have been unemployed for more than a year, I lost everything because of my ex-partner. Every time I remember it, it gives me a rage.

I quickly get up, the appointment is at 12:30 p.m., I need to review my resume one more time to be sure that it is okay.

When I finish I go to bathe. Little by little I gently rub my body so it was very sore from the last time I did exercises.

When I go out I put on a white shirt, a black knee-length skirt, and black heels.

I brush my hair and make a ponytail, I don't wear makeup I go natural.

I check the time is 12 p.m., I need to run! Or I'll be late the company is a long way from my home.

I leave everything like this and get out as quickly as possible. When I'm at the bus stop I hear my cell phone vibrate.


-Hi honey -It's mom. -You forget to call often.

While I try to think what excuse to invent I play with my feet.

- I've been a little busy mom. -I lie.

-Honey I know you don't have a job and I don't want to be a bother but ..

I interrupt her.

-Today I just got a job and you don't have to worry. -I lie again.

-Oh really sweetie? I'm so happy for you! -Shut up for a few seconds. -I don't want to be a burden but the bank will take away the house if we don't pay the mortgage quickly.

Devils! She had forgotten.

-At the end of this month I'm depositing you a little so you can pay, Mom. -I don't know how I'll do it.

I am two months late in paying for my study. If I don't pay this month, the safest thing is that they will fire me.

-I'm so glad to hear that darling, I'll let you keep working. I love u

-I love you too mom, take care of yourself.

Finally the bus arrives. I go up in a hurry I have a few minutes to get there.

When I go up I see that it is very full, I have to stand up.

I put the headphones on my cell phone and choose my favorite song.

I try to think very well what I will say in the interview.

When everything is fine I feel a hand on my ass. She quickly turned me around to see who is touching me, but there is nothing everyone is everyone in her world.

Maybe it just seemed to me since we are very tight.

I decide to forget the topic and focus again on the song. But again I feel a hand. This time I won't let it go.

When I turn there is a young man in a suit with a frown. I don't care who he is.

-What the hell happens to you? -Shouted him.

He still doesn't even look at me.

"I'm talking to you." When his attention is placed on me, he frowns much more.

-Excuse? What do you want to talk about? -Responds very irritated.

-Ah! above, don't you know what I'm talking about? -I'm wearing out my patience.

He looks at me annoyed.

-That's why I'm asking you. -Answer obvious.

-You are a pervert.

Now he laughs.

"Am I a what? Pervert?" What makes you think that?

Now we have the full attention of the bus passengers.

-Do you have proof that it was me? -He asks now more annoying.

-Well ... no.-What a shame.

How dare you do this to me.

"You honestly just spoiled my morning." -He gets off the bus.

I can't do anything, I have no proof that it was him.

I decide to forget the subject. I put my hearing aids back on, only a few blocks to go to my destination.

But again I feel a hand on my ass.

I was wrong, it wasn't that man in the suit. Now I'm much more ashamed, poor man I gave him a hard time.

Now, much more annoying she turned to realize who was touching me is a teenager of approximately 15 years.

-Bratty brat. -The boy looks at me very scared because I found out.

-I'm sorry .. -Before finishing the bus stops and the brat comes running down as fast as he can.

I get off denying, I started the day badly. I need to stay in this job yes or yes.

Before entering I look at the building, it is approximately 15 floors high and in large letters it says "EDITORIAL SANTILLAN". It is a very nice place.

I run fast inside the building, I was late, I only have 5 minutes left.

Upon entering I see that there is a long line of applicants, if I am honest with myself I do not think I can be one of the finalists.

I take a seat on one of the benches. I'm very nervous. A short girl comes out of one of the doors crying.

And I feel more fear because I just left where they are giving the interview.

-Miss. Mills Is she present? -Asks one of the secretaries.

-Yes, it's me. -I stand up quickly and follow her.

Upon entering is a small office with 3 people who are qualifying.

One of them is..
