If we classify the powerful vampires it would be something like this:
-Purifiers: They are the most powerful but there can only be 3 of them since their duty is to eliminate all the impure souls of this world, whether among vampires or humans. These handle any element of nature, play with your mind, have your self-control, (its power is unknown since no purifier has used it 100% before). They feed on their protector (beings born especially to protect the purifier).
-The thoroughbreds: They are immortal vampires, they can handle any element like purifiers, control your mind, among other powers. They are called "thoroughbred" because they are net vampires, that means that there is no human blood in their body. They feed on converter and can offer immortality to other beings.
And finally: the converter.
They are exhumans who were bitten by some thoroughbred, they are necessary as food, they handle only one element of nature that can be: fire, air, water or earth.
Now do you understand better? I hope so, since I am going to talk to you about this.
I remember how life was between humans and thoroughbreds, everything was quiet since we had an agreement: humans do not attack thoroughbreds and vice versa, but they give us some humans to feed them without harming them.
But since there is always a bad apple on the tree, someone with a lot of ambition. A greedy decided to bite hundreds of humans to have more power over others, they became "special" humans since they had some kind of power but with a thirst for human blood. This caused great annoyance among the leaders of both sides, the thoroughbred vampire was sentenced to death.They sent to kill many converts since they were considered phenomena so much that humans feared them but not only them but everything that represented vampires and it did not matter what rank you were, they simply feared you, for the good of our species we had to hide to protect ourselves from humans, those who were once our friends.
When Man converter fled they decided to form clans, where each converter had to handle an element in order to protect themselves from the thoroughbreds. When the agreement was broken, many thoroughbreds decided to each take their own path, be it good or evil.
Being a thoroughbred, I have the power to pretend to be human so that others of the same species do not find me, they are killing each other just to be able to show who is the most powerful.
Over the years I had many humans by my side but I was losing one by one in different ways but all painful.
There was a death that was the one that hurt me the most, and it was from my beloved but I was waiting for it for more than 650 years until I finally reincarnated, it took so long but I can say it was all the damn worth this wait. It took me a long time to find her, I wandered around the world for a long time trying to find her and I'm not sure if this would be her second life or maybe the third.
Every time I see her I want to run to her so I can hug her and kiss her but she doesn't remember me ... the only thing I can do is make her fall in love in this life too or give her back her past memories, I want to put this option aside because I don't want her to remember her miserable life he led and less the cause of his death. My only duty is to protect her from her since everything in your first life repeats itself, the same thing happens but in different circumstances, although not everyone reincarnates only if they have something pending in this world.
Sometimes I wonder: did he also reincarnate? Or if he never died, is he still alive? It doesn't matter, this time I won't let him hurt her.
Azul wanted to be hired by the publisher every time she was in the store in her mind she always repeated: "I want to be hired by the publisher."
So: who am I to say no to my beloved?
Throughout these years I studied many professions, I had to keep my mind occupied. That is why I have many companies and the publishing house is one of them.
She quickly enlisted me to go through Azul to her house. We agreed to meet to go together. Luckily in the editorial, nobody knows that I am the CEO, someone I trust has that position, this will help me control my staff from the inside.
When I get to Azul's house, I see her leave smiling, she knows that she is happy for her new job. I really hope I can help her.