Chapter 2- Changbin Plan

With all the bad things happening Felix wanted to ask out Changbin. If he didn't now he may never be able to ask him out. Felix had texted Changbin 2 days later after the incident that happened. Felix asked if they could meet up at the cafe. Changbin agreed. Around 2:30pm they went out to go to the cafe. They talked for an hour.

Felix went to go to the bathroom to prep talk his confession. A minute later Felix came back and asked Changbin to be his boyfriend. Changbin agreed of course. What they didn't know was that Hyunjin was watching them from afar. Hyunjin only thougth that his plan could go any better than it already is.

A Day Later

Changbin told the members that he was going out for a walk and could be coming back in an hour. A few minutes after Changbin left Hyunjin said that he was going to get some coffee. He was actually going out to follow Changbin. Han didn't come with him because Hyunjin wanted him to distract the members so they wouldn't be thinking on how long Chanbin and Hyunjin had been out for. While Changbin was walking someone pulled his arm and thrown him to the ground. Changbin checked who it was and was suprised that it was Hyunjin. Before Changbin could say anything he passed out.

Changbin woke up in a dark room. His hands were tied together, his legs were also tied. He started yelling Hyunjin's name since he was the last person he saw. Changbin started hearing laughter from the distance so he stopped yelling. The lights turned on suddenly that caused Changbin's eyes to hurt for a moment. Infront of Changbin stood Hyunjin. Hyunjin told him he had two options 1 being Join us and your boyfriend Felix doesn't get killed or 2 Don't join us but you and Felix die.

Choose one. Changbin said that he wasn't going to choose any of them. Hyunjin laughed a little from the answer Changbin gave. Hyumjin told Changbin that if he doesn't pick any of them he will have to stay in the basement with no food until he answers. Changbin didn't want Felix to die so he chose number 1. Hyunjin cut the rope from his legs and hands. Hyunjin whispered in Changbin's ear saying "Tell anyone i'll have you and Felix dead in a second."

Changbin nodded his head while having chills run down his spine. Back at the base Seungmin checked the watch he has and saw that it's been an hour since Changbin and Hyunjin left. He asked if anyone has seen them or came back. Before they could get any answrs Han said that maybe they met up with eachother and having a little chat. Everyone seemed to buy it except on person Felix. Han noticed that Felix didn't seem to buy it so he kept that in mind to tell Hyunjin later. Han knew that he couldn't kill Felix right away or the other members would be suspicious of Han or Hyunjin but that's where Changbin comes in. Han and Hyunjin agreed that if they get blamed on something it's going to be Changbin to defend them or take the blame for them. Hyunjin and Changbin came from the front door.

Felix immediatly went over to Changbin asking if he was okay. Han asked Hyunjin to come over to his room. Han told Hyunjin that Felix is catching on. Hyunjin then told Han that Changbin could distract Felix and when the time is right we could kill Felix. After discussing their plans with eachother they said it's time to kill another member. They both agreed on Seungmin. They knew that Felix would be catching on but Changbin could deal with that they both knew Felix is guilible.