Ending (Maybe?)

Felix started yelling at Hyunjin threatning to kill him. Felix started trying to punch at Hyunjin. Han had grabbed a smoke bomb and threw it at the ground he had handed Hyunjin a mask to wear so the effects of the gas wouldn't effect them. Changbin was the first one to wake up. Hyunjin let him roam around. Hyunjin wasn't going to feed the members and leave them to starve. Whenall the members woke up Changbin was going to give them food when Han or Hyunjin were not looking. For three days straight Changbin has been giving them food secretly.

Changbin made a plan with the members on the 4th day he was going to set them free even if he has to risk his life. It was the 4th day Changbin had set every member free except Felix that was the last member. Changbin had went to go to Felix and untie his hands but got caught by Hyunjin. Hyunjin had shot Changbin in front of Felix. Felix demanded Hyunjin to kill him so he and Changbin could be together in the afterlife but he refused. Felix wished he had something to kill himself with. Why couldn't Hyunjin just kill him.

Felix then felt a knife in his hand. He sliced his own neck with it. Tch was all Hyunjin said. Before Hyunjin could go someone had grabbed his hands and handcuffed him. The person who cuffed him surprised Hyunjin. It was Bang Chan. The only Bang Chan said was "I always come back ." Changbin thought Han was going to shoot Bang Chan but he shot Changbin instead.

Changbin blacked out. Changbin woke up in a room that looked like a hospital. Members surrounded him including Felix,Bang Chan, I.N and Seungmin. Changbin asked where Hyunjin Han and Minho were. Bang Chan said that Hyunjin and Han are dead and were killed by Minho. Then Changbin asked then why am I a hospital. Bang Chan told Changbin that he was shot and passed out. All Changbin was thinking was if all that happened was a dream?