The Legend Is Born

Many years ago in the dark woods of northern Michigan long before it was ever part of the United States of America. This is were it all began with four creature cursed to forever walk the face of the earth.

First, is a wolf like creature with silver eyes and black fur. It stands near seven and a half feet tall and has very sharp teeth & claws. She was the lady of the woods, Luna.

Second, is a black furred feline like creature with blue eyes and white paws and belly fur. She ruled the hills and mountains of the area and was known by her followers as Sapphire.

Next we have a creature of the night with shape shifting powers and thus was feared. Her blood red eyes struck only added to that fear and caused many to hate her. Elle was her name and she was the first vampire.

Last we see creature that would later be known as the mother of the humans, elves, dwarfs, gnomes and druids. She was Raja the queen of the forsaken lands.

For a long time these four women ruled their domains and were loved by their followers. But with all things peace was never meant to last. Elle was the first to be forsaken as few were they that actually stood up for her and while she slept a wooden stake was driven through her heart. Yet with her dying breath she swore to one day rise again and fill the world with the blood of their children.

As for the remaining three they gathered to mourn their fallen deity only to be trapped by the men of the planet. Sapphire and Luna were both run through the heart with sliver coated swords while Raja was mass raped by the warriors to the point that she gave up on life. With her dying breath the curse was sealed as was the fate of the world.

Sadly these tales fell into myth and were soon forgotten along with curse except over the years the supernatural events only grew until the point of which they could no longer be avoided.

Legend tells that four will come together who will become the vessels of the deities and give birth to the final judgment.