Chapter Three: Nightmare

Once everyone had gotten situated for the night they each climbed into their sleeping bags for the night and little Vixi was the first to fall asleep. At least she though she'd fallen asleep yet for some reason she was standing in the center of the dilapidated store and it was on fire. She began panicking she looked around for some kind of exit or even some kind of sign of her friends.

Just then as the flames flickered in the corner she spotted the torn bodies of her friends. It was almost as if some kind of wild beast had torn them apart, but why was she spared when they weren't. She almost began to get sick at the sight of their bodies while also getting scared. Vixi slowly wrapped her arms around herself and started to feel her sleeves getting wet.

That was strange how was her sleeves getting wet when it was so hot from the flames that where slowly consuming the building around her. It was at that point that she slowly pulled her hands from her arms and looked at them. They were soaked in blood that seamed to drip from them. It wasn't her blood but then who's was it?

Then with horror filled eyes it dawned on her. It was the blood of her friends, but how could she'd done that much damage to them. She was puzzled about the situation almost as much as she was scared.

Shaking she unknowingly lifted her right hand to her mouth and started to lick the blood from it. At first it didn't bother her but once she notice what she was doing she shivered even though part of her loved it. Vixi tried hard to fight these new edges to lick up the rest of the blood only to find herself kneeling before the bodies of her friends.

Well not all of them. No she was just kneeling at the mangled remains of Kat who seemed to have a smile on his face. This puzzled her even more as tears formed in her eyes as she hoped with all of her heart that this was just a nightmare.

While she knelt there she'd not realized that her arms had once more gained a mind of their own as her right hand was now deep in the chest cavity of Kat's body searching for his heart and when it found his heart it ripped it out. With a weird smile she seem to no longer be able to control her actions as she began to eat his raw heart. This continued until she'd full consumed all of Kat except for the bones.

It was at this point that Vixi looked around through her tear filled eyes at the fire. It was still burning yet it hadn't moved any closer to consuming the building. Slowly she stood to her feet and walked towards the now glowing door. It didn't even register to her that she was covered from head to toe in Kat's blood but also the when they had entered the building last night the door was laying on the ground.

Slowly she reached through the flames to which felt warm and comforting but not at all painful. Her hand slowly wrapped around the door knob before she began to turn it and pull the door open. The door way was filled with a blinding light and she had to close her eyes to walk through it.

As Vixi walked through the flames and the door her clothes were burned off of her and the blood seemed to almost vanish as well. Looking around she saw wolves that stood on their hind paws and had to be almost seven feet tall. She began to shake inside as fear once more started to fill her.

Just then one of the wolves approached her and knelt and bowed his head before saying, "My lady it is finished. The people have all been slain and we've saved their hearts for you."

"My lady?" asked the wolf when Vixi had not replied for she was one shocked that he'd address her as his lady and second that once he took a knee so did the rest of the wolves that were scattered throughout the still burning town.

Then without warning the wolf grabbed her by the throat lifting her in the air as he stood upright and growled, "You're not Lady Grace! What have you done with her? Tell me now and I might spare you."

The wolf then began to crush her throat but not before thrusting one claw deep into her stomach and slowly cutting up she let out a scream of pain and fear. Then everything went black...

...was this death? It was dark, and cold and also smelt of mildew and...

...wait is that Kat that she smelt? Vixi focused on his scent and smiled as she felt her body being shaken. Now what was happening to her?

"Vixi, are you okay? Wake up it's just a dream." exclaimed Kat.

Slowly opening her eyes she found Kat kneeling with one leg on each side of her and a hand on each of her arms and a very concerned look on his face. It was almost as if he was scared which worried her since he was the bravest of the four of them. So if he was scared that wasn't good.

"You okay?" asked Kat with a smile once she opened her eyes.

"I am now." replied Vixi as she placed her hands on his waist and smiled at him before asking, "Are the others still sleeping?"

"You kidding they're out like a light. I think a freight train could go right by their heads and they'd still be sleeping." replied Kat looking over at the too sleeping friends. "As for me between their snoring and your screaming I couldn't sleep."

"Well you want to have a little fun?" asked Vixi as she looked up at him not sure why she was even considering it they were all just friends after all.

"Not sure what you were dreaming about but Vixi you're cute and a great friend but I think its best we just get some more sleep and discuss that when were not in a creepy haunted town." confessed Kat as he got off of Vixi and slipped back into his own sleeping bag after sliding it right next to her's

"Fine we can talk about it tomorrow." sighed Vixi half relieved he said no because she really didn't want to loose her virginity in this creepy place. She then closed her eyes with that thought before drifting back off to sleep.