Chapter Twenty-Two: Full Moon Showdown

Just then a load crack was heard as James flew backwards as if he'd ran into a wall. Right behind him landed a young man or what looks like a man in a black ninja cat suit landed with a black katana that had a orange aura surrounded it. The man stood at the ready as John charged at him slashing with one clawed paw.

The man in black blocked with his katana and before quickly deflecting John's other paw. The two continued like this for a minute or two before the man managed to catch John in the paw slicing right through his thick fur and skin. Screaming he dropped back while his brother James, who'd regained his footing returned to the battle.

Now James was stronger so the man had to adjust his stance and style. This time he relied more on speed to dodge the powerful attacks while getting in close in hopes of striking him with his gloved fists as he'd sheathed his sword on his back. A few times he did manage to strike James which did more damage then Vixi would've thought but now he really was in trouble as John had shaken of the pain of his wounded paw and joined his brother in slashing at the man in balk.

Then is a bright flash of light he was gone. and both James and John were temporally blinded. As for Vixi because the two larger wolfmen were between her and the flash bomb she seemed not partially blinded. That's when she saw the masked man kneeling at her side and holding a hand out as if scanning her somehow.

"Are you okay? Can you walk?" asked the man as he continued to scan her body for any major damage or wounds.

"Ye-yes I believe so but why are you helping me? I'm a monster?" whimpered Vixi as she got to her feet and staggered after him as he started into the woods back towards the city.

"Because you're not a monster but a beast of legend, thus the reason the ninja cats have been watching you and your friends. We know were you've been and what you found there but more importantly we know what happened to you there." explained the man as they got closer to town and she realized that the wolfmen weren't following them anymore.

"What do you mean all we did was sleep there?" asked Vixi as they neared the edge of the forest and she refused to leave it.

"Come now we must get you back to your house before the moon sets unless you wish to run all the way through town naked." replied the man as he looked up towards the sky.

"Wait you mean I'm not stuck like this?" asked Vixi.

"No for now you will change with every full moon but there will come a day when you've learned to master it that you will be able to freely control the transformations as needed." replied the man taking her paw and dragging her out of the woods.

"I see but why is this happening now?" asked Vixi as she let him lead her through the shadowy parts of town back towards her house at which point she realized this would take her right past Kat's house and from here it looked like he was still awake.

"Other then the full moon, that's because when you and your friends spent the night in Sigma you awoke a ancient part of your DNAs and you're not the only one dealing with these changes. As we speak my friends are talking with your friends and helping them understand the changes they too are going through." explained the man as the passed behind Kat's house just below his bedroom window.

Vixi paused and took in a deep breath as she could smell Kat's wonderful scent ever so close to her. That was one part of this whole thing that was nice, she then strained to listen to what was being said in his room only for her to hear nothing but the slow breathing of someone or something.

"Your friend is already a sleep. He was drained by the full moon. One of us will speak with him in the morning it's best you get your sleep as well for in the morning you will be in a great deal of pain." explained the man when he say Vixi looking up at Kat's window trying to listen in.

"Are we a danger to our friends and family?" asked Vixi as she started to move again.

"Until you gain full control yes. You see this time you were able to control yourself but who knows for sure the next time. So one of my colleges or myself will come to visit you before and on the night of the full moon." explained the man with a bow as he gestured towards the door before adding, "Oh its best if you don't talk with each other about these new changes in your lives just yet no matter how much you trust each other you can't risk others hearing about them for all it will do is lead to you being judged."

"But I love Kat and want him be with me. For that I can't keep this from him." sighed Vixi half about to start crying.

"Then it's best you let this all wait until you've got full control over you new gifts for your emotions may also trigger a transformation and loss of control." replied the man.

"So you're saying I shouldn't even bother trying to get him to go out with me." sighed Vixi as she took the back door knob in her paw just a she started to shift back into her naked human self. "Then one day hope he excepts me for who I am?"

"No you can still follow your heart and go after hims just don't reveal this secret to him just yet for he's still learning of his own changes if any from the night at Sigma that you might just scare him off for good." replied the man as he turned away as not wanting to see her naked once she returned to human form.

"What do you mean by if any? I thought you said that night changed all of us?" asked a confused Vixi as she slowly opened the door only to pause and wait for an answer.

"Only those who had an ancient link with Sigma actually had a change the fact your friend is in his house sleeping right now is a sign that he either had a minor change that was easy to explain and deal with or he didn't have a change at all. I wont know for sure until we all meet back up after a few days to make sure the moon isn't still strong enough to turn you." explained the man he was hiding something from her and part of her wanted to force it out of him but the rest of her just wanted to climb into bed and sleep.