Chapter Fifty-Five: Wait Stop!

The rest of the trip was filled with small talk about each of their family's pasts and all of their possible futures. It wasn't until they neared Gaylord that things began to get extra interesting in more ways then one. In fact in the middle of a conversation about what things about Rebekah and Vixi Kat liked best.

"Wait we need to stop here in Gaylord at the gas station east of the off ramp." called Dan almost jumping out of his spot inbetween his father and his brother.

"What is so important that we need to stop at a time like this?" asked Mrs. Thompson with a very puzzled look on her face.

"Fawn, I told her I was heading up this way and she asked if we could pick her up." replied Dan with a smile, "I figured it couldn't hurt after all Rebekah will have her boyfriend and Mark will more then likely hook up with a female vampire or werecat within the bunker."