Chapter Sixty-Seven: Wedding

The wedding music began to play as Kat nodded towards Val before he entered the hall from the side chamber and approached his spot on the platform followed closely by Val. Now despite this being all about Val and Dirt most every eye was on Kat while many let out a gasp of shock at the sight of him in the robe while he even caught a few growls. He was the focal point of thing at least until Dirt came out, but until then Kat held his peace as the bridal party entered from their side chamber.

As for Dirt he'd taken and escorted route to the back of the hall so he could enter a more traditional way. Now once everyone was in their place the music shifted to the bridal march at which point the back doors were opened and Dirt began to slowly approach the platform with his mother at his side. Floating behind them was Katherine as she tossed out the flowers. As for the rings Kat had those since there hadn't been a ring-barer selected.