Chapter Seventy-Two: Girl Talk

Meanwhile Vixi was sitting in her room looking at her journal trying to figure out if it was all worth the heartache and pain. Was she really doing the right thing? Was she better off just giving up on Kat? Just then as she debated these things a knock came at the door of her room.

"Vixi dear you got a to talk?" asked the sweet calm voice of from the other side of the door.

"Yes, Rebekah sweeti." replied Vixi as she sniffed and whipped away her tears.

"Is she in her crying over my stupid brother?" asked Katherine as she ghosted right through the door past Rebekah to float over to Vixi and sit on her left hand side.

"Say the ghost who's had sex with him and constantly seeks new ways to get him alone with her." teased Rebekah as she stepped into the room and carefully shut the door behind her before walking over and sitting down on the right hand side of Vixi.

"If this is meant to cheer me up it's not working." teased Vixi with a fake half smile.