Chapter Eighty-Nine: On The Offensive - Part Two

Meanwhile on the outskirts of Detroit, a small convoy of hummers and armored buses approached an abandoned part of the city. To the heart of the Red Dwarf's sanctuary. Yet only a small six solider team went with Val into the heart of the sanctuary.

"That is close enough fool, you're not welcome here nor are any of your filthy kind." came a sinister chuckle from the shadows as a one handed devils man steps into the light.

"I see the wound hasn't healed. Does it still sting?" teased Valid as he stepped out of the task force in his battle suit with ceremonial flowing cloak. In his hands were the famed blades of life and death and upon recognizing the Red Devil's glances at the swords Val added, "Yah I know, I'm more of a gun guy but I also know you're scared of these."

"Those are just toys in your untrained hands filth." chuckled the Red Devil with a grin as he raised his one hand ready to snap his fingers as while his eyes glowed red.