Chapter Ninety-Four: A Difficult Discussion

Then next morning with a sigh Maliketh made his way to James' chamber and softly knocked on the door. he felt really awkward about it to begin with especially after all that Kat had done for his son but a deal was a deal and he needed James' seal to make it official. Thus the reason he got up early and made sure he had on his most formal of attire brought the now printed documents within a folder to where he stood now outside of James' privet chambers.

"Yes?" questioned James as he very tiredly opened the door with his robe half tied and his eyes barely open as he was still half asleep yet when he noticed who it was at his door he snapped to attention and was wide awake as he added, "Lord O'Hare, I'm so sorry I didn't realize it was you. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, and no." sighed Maliketh as he fiddled with the folder within his hands and shuffled his feet some.