Chapter One-Hundred And Six: Breaching The Walls - Part One

Thus with a nod Kat slowly walked towards the front door of the fortress. The drawbridge was up of course as he approached thus he opened his arms out wide as he called up to the fortress before stopping just in front of where the drawbridge would lay if it was down.

"I am Kyle Alexander Tombs, Head of House Tombs, and High Commander of The Alliance of Supernatural Species!" shouted Kat as he glared up at the battlement, "I request the presence of Geras Lord of Darkness and this fortress."

"Only a foolish cub such as you would so boldly seek me out child." chuckled the man Kat had always know as being his grandfather from the battlement as he signaled for the drawbridge to be lowered. "And you've so willingly come to me with such a desirable title for me to assume along with your soul and body."