Chapter One-Hundred And Nine: More Fun And One Last Plea

So with a grin, Kat tore away from the ruins fortress. Now while he did this Manitou laid across the buggy undoing his pants and starting to kiss his penis until it was fully erect and hard at which point she slide her muzzle over it and began to give him one of the most amazing blowjobs he's ever had.

"Mmmm, you draw this out any longer and I might accidentally crash this buggy." moaned Kat as he neared his climax only for her to pause in her sucking.

"Well, we don't want that now do we." teased Manitou with a grin before giving his penis a slow seductive kiss.

"No, we don't." moaned Kat as he struggled to keep control over the buggy as she was filling him with a great deal of pleasure.

"You know this is something I could do for you anytime you wished." replied Manitou once he came in her mouth and she swallowed his full load. As she was slowly sitting up licking her lips clean she added, "Well, this and more."