Something Epic (2)

[Shadow Imp:

Description: Always watching and lurking in the shadows, maybe your shadow… Gains bonus stats at night.

Evolution: Rare

Demon classification: F+

Height: 155 cm

Magic cap: Tier 3

Combat preference: Long range and CQC

Race trait: Higher resistance to Illusions. Gain plus one AP to a random stat each level.

Affinities: Illusions, Shadow magic]

[Ice Imp:

Description: Has a heart and veins of ice that somehow work. Enjoys killing in cold blood and asserting dominance over those they feel are beneath them.

Evolution: Common

Demon classification: F

Height: 160 cm

Magic cap: Tier 2

Combat preference: CQC- midrange

Race Trait: Higher resistance to hyperthermia.

Affinity/s: Ice]

[Fire Imp:

Description: Eats, sleeps, breathes fire. Their favourite pass time is to watch things burn, preferably something they lit up themselves.

Evolution: Common

Demon classification: F-

Height: 165 cm

Magic cap: Tier 2

Combat preference: CQC- midrange

Race Trait: Higher Resistance to fire.

Affinity: Fire]

After seeing the screens, my head jolted back. I did not expect this. This feeling was something that I was experiencing quite a lot these days.

Anyway, I looked over each option and made a list of the pros and cons. The [Shadow Imp] was good for espionage which was something I needed at the moment. The [Fire Imp] liked to burn things down, that was a skill set that I could use, however, it wouldn't be nice if those trigger happy fingers burnt down my domain… An [Ice Imp] would be a great asset in a battle.

I thought for a while but in the end the [Shadow Imp] seemed like the best idea. Right now I needed an Imp that could hide well. That in turn would help me set up my base so that I didn't get caught. Furthermore, this evolution was rare. This Imp could cast tier 3 magic while the others could only cast tier 2 magic.

Once I had made my decision, I clicked on [Shadow Imp] then a brief white light flashed and the new and evolved Imp stood before me. It was a bit taller and surprisingly it looked darker than before, I didn't think that could happen. With this evolution the Imp finally grew a small black horn on the right side of its forehead.

The Imp ran his now larger hand over it's body and observed itself while its sharp toothed smile grew wider and wider. It then looked at me with its wide eyes. Somehow in that moment, I knew what it wanted to do, " I know you want to look at yourself in the mirror but there still something else I need to do."

Immediately more screens appeared before me, I looked at them but one was far better than the others. It was just like mine, a secret class.

[Class: {Wraith [Assassin (Rogue)]}

Description: The class Wraith is the ultimate form of espionage only given to those who are worthy. The shadows are were they find solace, if you happen to see them its right before your life flashes before you. Those with this class gain bonus AP at night. This class gains 50% faster mastery with short range weapons.

Combat preference: CQC- midrange

Fighting style: They prefer to kill you while you are off guard but should you engage them in a one and one fight they are just as versatile.

Special bonuses: The more the opponent bleeds, the higher the damage of the next attack will be. Gain bonus EXP for each successive unnoticed assassination within three minutes.]

Once I had selected his class, I set him free. Immediately it pushed the chair back and left the table. The Imp ran to the door that was left open, looked behind to give the other Imp a smug look then disappeared like a thief in the night

I laughed as I saw the events transpire, it gave me such joy to see how happy it was. Afterwards, I turned my gaze to the Imp remaining who had been pining for my attention the second it saw its peer evolve.

The Imp was basically jumping up and down in its seat, this made me giggle. As I moved my hand towards it head, the Imp closed its eyes. Once I made contact, a list of options befell me again. As far as I could tell the commons where evolutions based on elements, such as fire, wind, earth, ice, water. Rare was something more advanced such as shadow, lightning and more. I knew this because this Imp had the option to evolve into a lightning Imp.

Then there was something beyond rare called Epic. These evolutions were downright overpowered and it made me wonder what Legendary evolutions would look like. This was obviously the next level if my years of gaming had taught me anything.

[ Ija:

Description: Born from the repressed desires of humanity, this demon loves to feel alive. Whatever that may be…

Conditions: Demon returns to level one.

Evolution: Epic

Demon classification: E

Height: 172 cm

Magic cap: Tier 4

Combat preference: CQC- midrange

Race Trait: Resistant to fire, affinity with fire is increased.]

I didn't even have to think, it was clear that the Epic one was the best evolution despite the fact that it would be returning to level 1. Without hesitation I clicked on it and with a flash of light the Imp transformed into an Ija.

The Ija looked like if molten lava took an almost human like form. It was black with streams of lava glowing from top to bottom. It had long black claws for fingers and sharp molten red nails. The eyes were the only normal part about it, no different to a human with a black iris. The Ija's molten red horns were slightly bigger than the imps and it had two not one.

After I had chosen its race more screens appeared, however, just like last time there was one clear victor.

[Class: {Berserker [Brawler (Warrior)]}

Description: The class Berserker is amongst the top attack classes. They unleash all their repressed emotions into the swings of their swords dealing massive amounts of damages to those in their ways. Let it be known to never make yourself the target of their relief, you won't like it.

This class gains 70% faster mastery with a sword or a halberd. +1 Strength every time you level up.

Combat preference: CQC- midrange

Fighting style: Likes to be up close and personal, right in the thick of it.

Special bonuses: The more your HP depletes, the higher the damage of your next attack will be. Gain bonus EXP for each multi-kill.]

Once I had chosen the Ija's class I gave it a once over and I really liked the way it looked. The Ija seemed to like the little it could see of itself as well.

"How do you feel?" I asked inquisitively.

It clenched its fist then opened it, "I feel great! I can see, smell and hear better. My mana pool feels bigger than before." It's stomach began to grumble loudly, " Seems like my stomach has grown as well sorry my Lord." He hung his head.

It's a natural response, you must have used up all your energy with an evolution this big, go get yourself something to eat.

The Ija jumped out of it's seat, bowed its head then off it went as I wondered if we even had any food. I still had the Abyssal Lion's meat but that was that. I wondered what the imps had eaten the entire time I was gone, they must have eaten something.

Searching for the answer to this question, I decided to look for them. Once I was out the dining room, I heard a ruckus coming from down below. This was where the residence was and where I had built the farm which I had yet to tend…

I took the stairs down that curved like a spiral. Once I was down, I opened the door at the bottom and light entered my eyes again. The residence was easily the biggest part of my domain. There where hundreds of wooden houses ready and built. It was like I was standing in an abandoned village. The farm that I had built was four patches of soil. There were already plants growing on them. This had to be the work of my minions while I was away. There use of efficient space was atrocious but I was away so I wouldn't blame them for trying in my absence.

However, I definitely would definitely blame the Ija for what he was doing at the moment. I did tell him that he could quell his hunger, but I did not say that he should eat all the fruit of the plants. This was the source of the ruckus. The Ija wanted to eat but the Imp was telling him that he should stop but the Ija continued filling its bottomless stomach until it saw me with my eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed.

Immediately it dropped the fruit that it was about to bite into and looked at me like a puppy would when you reprimand it.

I walked closer to them, my footsteps falling at a set pace until I stood in front of them.

"It was him, I told him to stop." The Imp blurted out.

I turned my gaze over to the Ija who could barely look at me, " I am so hungry my Lord, I can't help it."

When I heard this, I decided to forgive him, when hunger strikes it strikes, furthermore, these were plants they had planted themselves, "Go ahead, eat your fill." I looked at the Imp beside me, "You too, go eat, no need to hold back. Tomorrow is going to be a big day."

Without delay, they began stuffing their faces as a deep rumble immerged from depths of me. I had to admit this fruit that looked like a strawberry cross peach smelled sweet and flavourful.

"Wait, wait for me! This humble Lord also wants some fruit." I said as I ran into the distance.