I came, I saw (3)

Once I received the prompt; I needed to make sure that my actions weren't being watched by others, so I sent my minions to go look while I set up an insurance of my own.

I began channelling enormous amounts of mana into myself. Normally a player that levelled up three times in a row would have a hard time controlling its mana because their body wasn't accustomed to it, however, even though I had levelled up far more than that at once, it was a cinch. While testing the game, I effortlessly manipulated far more mana than I have now.

I continued to channel the mana into my body, once it reached the desirable level, I added my affinity to the mana and immediately the mana began crackling and booming all round me as blue zig-zags shot up all around me. Although the lightning seemed rambunctious, it was under my control, so I sent it out all around me.

It continued to travel for 100 meters, reacting with the electrical current of every sentient thing in its path. Once a reaction was made, it would send an outline of the being to my brain for me to perceive. I could tell who and what was in a hundred meter radius of me. Once I discovered I was safe, I called my minions back and clicked [Yes].

The ground opened up, and we walked into my [Domian]. We continued to walk to the [Dining room] so we could discuss the plans for the future and sort out all our achievements and levels.

Once we got there, they opened the door for me, so I walked inside and sat on my seat. Again the Ija sat on the left-hand side of me and the Imp on the right. Now that we were settled, I spoke, "Well done on levelling up and coming back alive. You have made this Lord very proud! I hope you will continue to work hard for me. We came, we saw."

The both of them bowed their heads then said, "We praise the Lord."

I nodded my head, "We took what was ours and took some more. It rains, it pours." Then I looked at them seriously, "Because of today, I believe you have earned the right to a name."

I could see the joy in their eyes. This whole time since their birth they had no name, now they were finally going to get one. I looked at the Ija and said, "From now on your name is Zar." There was no meaning to the name it was merely the first thing I thought of at the moment.

[Ija: Nameless -> Ija: Zar

I turned to the Shadow Imp, "From now and I shall call you, Kage."

[ Shadow Imp: Nameless -> Shadow Imp: Kage]

Having received their names the both of them looked at me with reverence then bowed their heads, "Thank you my Lord, we are undeserving."

I shook my head, "It's because you deserve it that I gave you names. Anyway, if you haven't already equipped your new titles and AP please do so."

Immediately, the room drew silent as we began fixing ourselves.

Name: Raishaun Inkosi

Title: [Main] Demon Lord [Side] The 5th is the first, No limits, Lord of Farming…

Level 32: (1650/9700)

Class: Combat Mage

Health points: 2600/2920

Mana points: 1700/3445





Agility: 60






Affinity: Lightning, Ward, Time-space magic.


System points: 6400

Attribute points: 0

Equipment: Abyss Lion hatchets…

Bloodline: Sealed

Passive Skills: Loved by mana, Hardened Skin, Mark of strength

[ Achievement: Strength has reached 50

Reward/s: Physical attacks increased by 30%]

[ Achievement: Dexterity has reached 50

Reward/s: Physical attacks increased by 15% Sprint speed increased by 15%]

[ Title: Lord of Farming

Description: Kill 500 plus creatures in less than 10 minutes.

Reward: Exp gained increased by 50%]

I was satisfied with my improved stats. I made sure that the important stats reached 50 and above to receive the bonuses that came from it. In this world power levelling one stat made you stronger, however, it left you venerable in many others.

With my previous character, I dumped all my points into intelligence assuming it would make me OP but when I fought Sid who had a well-rounded character; I lost miserably. Where I only had one bonus, he had 5. That was the first and only time he had beat me, yet he never let me hear the end of it. Naturally, I would not make the same mistake; this was real life, there was no starting over.

After my stats, I glanced at my SP, it was far more than I had ever thought I would receive. However, after I did the math, it balanced.

With this amount, I knew that a shortage of SP would be the least of my worries for the time being, well unless I went down that route already… I brushed the thought away for now as I had more important things to do. Namely, creating more minions and doing more research so I could get stronger minions.

Without deliberation, my minions and I left the [Dining room] and entered the [Research lab].

This room like its brethren had walls made of natural rocks and multiple plants hanging from the ceiling illuminated it. The room had many white desks; on them were flasks with various liquids of different colours hanging over a Bunsen burner. It looked like a lab you saw in centuries old movies.

I walked in and head straight to the black desk at the back of the room. Having been here before, I knew what to do. I placed my hand on the massive stack of papers and books on the table.

[Do you wish to do Research?]



Another screen appeared in front of me with many pictures. I clicked on the heading [Minions] then I clicked on [Imp] and a standard imp appeared on the top right of my screen whereas in the middle was what I could do research on. Here I also saw what I had already completed, this was [AP boost (1)]. I could do research on that again if I desired [AP boost (2)] but I decided against it, I wanted to see what else I could do before I made my decision.

I clicked on the picture of the Ija that now had colour unlike all the images on the right of it. The one next to it was grey but didn't have a lock on it like the rest of them.

Anyway, Inside [Ija] I saw an array of things I could do, the familiar [AP boost (1)], and [Skill (1)] This increased the skill slot by one, [Customization (1)] Allowed me to change minor details to its anatomy and more.

I returned to the home page and clicked on [Buildings]. Here I saw pictures that had colour, these were buildings I owned. The grey ones were buildings I didn't have, yet could build after I did the relevant research. Lastly, the ones that were locked were buildings I couldn't build yet. Either because my level was too low or because the research lab's level was too low.

After seeing that, I clicked on [Army Camp]. Here I saw [Troop Space (1)] was complete. I immediately clicked on [Troop space (2)] and started the research for 100 SP. Once complete in 16 hours, I would have a troop space of 20.

I returned to [Buildings] then clicked on [Research lab]. Here there was the option to upgrade the room but what struck me more was [+1 Research (1)]. Once this was complete I could do research on four things at a time instead of three. I immediately started the research for 150 SP; this would be complete after 12 hours.

Now I only had one research space left and many options to choose. From the buildings side, the [Utility barracks] Creates minions that perform utility tasks such as a Chef, a Farmer ect. [Throne Room] Every respectable Demon Lord had one, [Animal Farm] To feed my ever-growing army meat so they could grow big and strong. From the [Minions] side was the option to get the next minion or upgrade the others. I never played Kingdom building games, so I wasn't sure what the correct answer was.

I thought for a while, then clicked on the one I thought was best in my current situation.