The Fire's Burning Resolve

'You have a fire dragon named Felix in your care?' The tall man with orange, red, pink, and blue hair asked.
'Yes, how do you know?' Tracy asked.
'I smell him through the door. Open it.'
'But --'
'Do as he says, Tracy,' the wolf god named Sage ordered.
Tracy sighed and stood up, and opened the door, but only minimally, 'Felix, is there something the matter?'
'Yes. It's about the newbie.'
'Can it wait until tomorrow?'
'Tracy, let the dragon in,' Flynn ordered harshly.
That voice was familiar to Felix. He'd only heard it when he became a dragon, but it was an unforgettable voice. 'Uh… I'll come back later.'
Flynn glared and opened the door wide, his fiery eyes soon cast on the dragon. 'Felix. It's been some time, come in, describe your problem.'
Felix couldn't go against the direct order of the Dragon God and nodded. He entered the room and looked at the others present. Two wolf Gods, and two blackbird gods. These must be the Oathfell Gods. What were they doing here in the water quarter, and with Tracy and August?
'Well, Felix, what is it?' Tracy asked, the annoyance clearly evident in his voice.
'Trace, tone it down. He is in your care,' Shiro said quietly. This was one of the black haired bird gods.
'I apologize for the intrusion. I just wanted to discuss my roommate. You see… I am the reason he ran away from home… well in part.'
'Go on,' Shiro coaxed, getting the feeling there was a hell of a lot more to the story that Felix wanted to let on.
Felix explained in great detail what happened at school for Trystan, and what he himself had to do to protect himself, all about the prejudiced educators at his school, and so on. He also explained the plan that Trystan came up with. 'But the thing is, Dominic is his only friend, and I don't want their friendship to break because Trystan is sacrificing himself for the sake of the rest of us.'
Flynn folded his arms, and said, 'Well the reason the five of us picked this time to finally meet is that Katsumi was kicked out of the Ministry, and now legislation is heading towards granting people like us rights. Already those reform schools and camps are being outlawed. Anyone caught trying to send family to them will be arrested.'
'Is this public knowledge yet?' August asked from his perch in the corner.
'At least to law enforcement, yes. However, that's about the only protection there is right now. And other protections it is likely will be left up to individual governments. And I doubt law enforcement will readily enforce the no sending people away.'
Rory said, 'Give all your students here a one week break, and I'll set up a set of schools within this district. Ask your kids if there are any teachers that are not prejudiced against them, and I'll invite them to work at the schools.'
Sage then pointed at Felix. 'You. No more bullying. And let me personally know if you are being asked to stand in for adults, etc. I'll give you my contact information. And make amends with your roommate and his friend.'
'Yes your majesty,' Felix bowed and then exited the room.
A few days later, the door swung wide open startling Trystan enough to leap into Felix's bed and hold him tight. Felix stared at the startled elemental gripping him. 'Uh… Hayes?'
The person at the door smirked. 'Did I interrupt some fun time?'
'Not that I know of,' Felix answered.
Trystan pulled the blanket over himself as if to hide and didn't say anything.
'Oh, seems like I spooked him then. Anyway, I just stopped by to say you're records have been transferred, and school will be starting soon. Oh and Trystan, if you don't hurry out of Felix's lap, you might -- frustrate him, if you catch my drift.' With that he exited the room.
Trystan moved off Felix's lap but scooted further under the covers toward the foot of the bed. 'Who was that? And how did he know my name?'
Felix sighed. 'That's one of the Oathfell Gods. Shiro if I am not mistaken.'
'Why is he here?'
'Who knows. I ran into all five of them a few days ago when I went to talk to Mama Tracy.'
Trystan sighed. 'He was so overbearing.'
'Really? I didn't get that impression.'
'Maybe it's because I know the Dragon God from when I became a dragon.'
'A Dragon? You're a Fire Dragon?'
'Yeah… you didn't notice my tattoo or the harder skin?'
'More importantly, are you going to be okay? Do we need to get you medical attention?'
Trystan mumbled, 'Can I just stay like this for a while?'
'Oh, sure, I guess.'
'And you can go ahead and solve your issue with your little friend, I won't watch. But lock the door, just in case someone else tries to barge in.'