Trouble With The Church XIII


The house shakes violently and pieces of it fall onto Kies. He wipes the splinters off his shoulders and continues waiting. The house he was using as a cover to block the priests' attacks was almost destroyed. He could only stay here for another minute at most before it collapses onto him from all the damage it was sustaining.

Kies peeks his head around the corner and sees a ball of light zip at his face. He brings his head back behind the cover just in time to hear it zip past him.

He can't leave even if he wants to. The entire area around the house is under fire and he had no way to escape without getting hit by at least one attack. But he had to make a decision. He's a sitting duck here and it wasn't going to be long before his cover was completely gone. He can either make a break for it now and duck behind another house or he could try to fight them again.

The smarter choice in his opinion is the first one since it was safer and he would make them waste their magic even more. But the problem is that old man. Kies wasn't sure if he could still restore everyone's magic once it was gone and it was really pestering him. But if he had to make a guess, he was pretty sure that he could do it again. The reason why he believed that was because the enemy was showering him with magic nonstop. If the old man couldn't restore their magic again then they wouldn't be so wasteful with their attacks.

Kies really wondered where the demons were at this point.


That didn't sound good. Kies looked up and saw that part of the roof was falling down on top of him. He pushed himself up from his hiding place and ran for it. Light missiles and beams flew at him the moment he left the cover. He let his body fall and slid behind a flipped-over wagon. The thing couldn't even take a single attack before exploding into splinters and Kies had to move again.

He never knew how hard it would be to fight against many mages at the same time since they were so rare and yet here he was facing an entire unit consisting only of them. He can't say that it was an experience he would recommend to people.

Kies summoned a gust of wind to redirect the attacks that got too close to him and sent some of it back at the casters. They were surprised to see their own magic flying back at them but they were destroyed before they could reach.

Kies tried to snipe the old man at the back of the group with a Wind Jet while the priests were distracted by their own magic. The priests noticed what he was doing a bit too late and were unable to stop him in time. "Cardinal!"

The single dagger of wind flew through the air and just as it was about to hit the old man, it suddenly disappeared. "What?"

The priests looked just as confused as Kies. Where did the Wind Jet go? It just vanished into thin air. It was thin air. So where did it go? The only one that was calm during the entire thing was the cardinal. He still had the same look on his face where he wasn't fazed at all by what just happened. He knew that the attack wouldn't reach him. Something was protecting him from all of it.

After seeing that their cardinal was safe, the priests turned her attention back to Kies and began to ridicule him for attacking the cardinal.

"You committed an unforgivable crime. You will face God's wrath for that."

"A fiend like you will never feel the warmth that is God's embrace."

Church zealots... He never liked them for this sole reason. They acted all high and mighty because they received a "blessing" from God which was their magic. They were a bit better than the nobles, but they were still pretty bad. Kies ignored what they said and tried to shoot another jet of wind at the cardinal.

This time the attack was intercepted by a couple of the priests and only added fuel to their anger. They continued to mock Kies even more for his actions but were stopped by the cardinal when he raised his hand.

"Stop." His voice was low and could barely be heard over the sound of the priests' upset shouting, but somehow, everyone heard him and stopped. The cardinal raised one of his hands and continued holding the chalice with the other. "We must not insult inferior creatures. It is God's mistake that he accidentally brought them to this world. We must correct this for him in the name of God." The priests all bowed to the cardinal and their eyes watered, listening to his words.

No wonder the demons hated the humans. If he was a demon as well then he would want to rip the cardinal's tongue out and skewer him alive. Just listening to the cardinal speak made him want to puke. At first, Kies didn't want to kill them because they were humans, but he changed his mind now. Those who followed the pope and worshipped God were a completely different species.

"Now, we shall start the purification ritual!" The cardinal raised both his arms up into the air. He held the chalice up to the sun and said, "God, please lend us your strength!"

Kies watched as a ray of light shone into the chalice. He didn't like where this was going. Kies took a step back and prepared himself for whatever was coming.


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