Hello guys!! Are you liking my story bcoz I am so afraid that I may not be a good writer. Sorry for any error. Hope you enjoy. Comment below to help me to improve. Love you all❤️❤️
I was completing my assignment, Carol is late today. "Y/N!!!!" She rushed in and hugged me, "What Happened?" I asked her, "I'm so happy today!!" She said excitedly and wide grin on her face, "We kissed!" She exclaimed, "We as in you and Jungkook?" I questioned, "Yup" she admitted, she was happy in that moment I didn't want to ruin, I tried to keep smile on my face, but inside I felt pain.
"So you are like in relationship?" I asked, "I guess" she said blushingly, "I'm happy for you" I asked as I hugged her. "Well, here's your notes for today, stop missing classes" I warned her, "I'm sorry, but now I will not miss any class" she said like a kid, "Fine, whatever, go change, I'm hungry, I haven't had dinner yet" I pouted, "Sure, I'll just come back in minute" she hugged me again and went in bathroom to change, after she changed we went for dinner, she was saying me all stuffs happened with Jungkook today and some other gossips.
"Ughhhhhhhh" I groaned in furstration, "Calm down" yoongi comforted, "How the hell this pen drive got corrupted?" I said in anger, "We'll find some way, don't worry" he said, I was trying all the way possible to save my presentation.
Suddenly someone shouted, and I knew who it was, cause he's the only who calls me sweetheart, "I'm seriously not in mood to deal with you" I narrowed my eyes to tae, "what happened? Is everything okay" he asked and his expression were really soft, "Our pen drive got corrupted in which our presentation is saved" yoongi explained, "Have you forgotten that I'm in computer science major?" I questioned, "Can you fix it?" I asked, "Yes, I can" he said as he pulled my laptop towards him and started doing some stuff in that.
In meantime, Carol and Jungkook sat with us, "Hello, everyone one" Carol greeted, "I wan-..I mean we wanna say something" Carol said, which grabbed everyone's attention, "Hey" Alex came too, she kissed yoongi and sat beside him, "What is going on?" She asked excitedly, "Carol has some announcement to make" yoongi said, she nodded, "So, me and Jungkook are have decided to date each other" she said smiling at Jungkook and Jungkook doing the same, "Congrats" Alex said happliy, as she hugged Carol, smacked jungkook's arm to tease him.
"Now we have 2 couples in our group" tae commented, "I knew this, since I met Carol" he added, "You know everything! Now will you please save my presentation" I said, he pouted continued his work, "Jungkook, that's great choice" yoongi smiled as he teased him, that's the first time I've seen yoongi doing something like that.
I noticed Yoongi and Alex were busy with each other and as moved my eyes little left, jungkook and Carol were being all PDA, "Should we also date?" Tae asked, "We should! Let's go on date!" I declared, he was shocked at my answer, "I was just kidding" he said softly, "I know!!" I said with serious face, "Are you okay?" He asked in concerne, I felt guilty for being angry on him, even though he wasn't the reason of my anger, "Nothing, I'm sorry" I apologized, I took the pen drive and laptop, shoved in my bag, "Thank you" I said to tae and left.
I couldn't stand watching them being like this, Since when did I started liking Jungkook this much? I heard voice behind me, "Wait up! We are together in this presentation" yoongi said as catched up with my pace, we started walking towards class, "You should've have admit it before all this" he said, "What? That I failed to get over him when I still had a chance?" I asked, "No, You should've admit it Jungkook wasn't just mere crush" he answered, "I...I can't just simply accept this kinds of feelings, I need time to settle in all this" I reasoned him, "Sorry, I didn't knew" he apologized, "It's not your fault..and thanks for not telling anyone about my feelings" I said as pursed my lips, "I'm good listener" he said with smile, I chuckled at his answer, now I know why Alex is head over heels for yoongi. "Mail me the presentation" he added, "Yeah, bye then" I waved goodbye as I headed to next class.
I'm scared about presentation, I'm so bad at all those stuffs, speaking up my mind is not easy for me. Carol came back from her classes, "Are you okay Y/N?" She asked in serious tone, "I don't know, I'm scared for tomorrow" I answered as lied on the bed and rested my arm on my head, "Why are you worrying so much? I'm sure you will be just fine" she said as she lied beside me, "You think so?" I asked being unsure, "Yes...you know Y/N, you need let loose yourself a little..I'm not asking much just a little" she advised, "It's not that easy but I'm sure you will be able to do it" she motivated me, "And let's watch movie to freshen you" she said excitedly, "What?" I asked as I sat up, "Yes, I'll got get something to eat by the time you think of some movie" she said as she got up and took her wallet, "I'll come back in few minutes" she headed out.
I cleaned up the room little, but couldn't choose the movie, she came back with huge bag, "What's all this stuff?" I asked as opened the bag, "It's my treat" she said with smile, she brought brugers, fires, 1L of cola and huge bucket of ice cream, "Carol I'm not going through break up!" I scoffed, "Who said we can eat ice cream after break up?" She answered, "Did you choose movie?" She asked as she sat beside me, surfing through movies. "Nope" I said as I handed her burger, "Let's watch I WANT TO EAT YOUR PANCREAS" she said, "How can I forget that movie?" I exclaimed.
We watched the movie, it was so emotional,me and Carol cried like anything. She closed the laptop and kept it aside, "We found great friends here, haven't we" she claimed, "Yeah.." I agreed, "What do you think of tae?" She asked, "He's jerk with golden heart" I said laughing, "I know, right?" She said laughing along with me, "and what about yoongi?" She questioned, "He's mysterious but really understanding" I answered, "Okay....and Jungkook?" She asked, what should I give answer to this?, "I really don't know much about him..but he seems good guy?" I replied, "Yes, he is. It's easy to read him." She answered, I noticed she had smile which showed how much she likes him.
"We should go to sleep" I said, Carol agree and we started cleaning the room. We went to sleep, but I felt like someone has squeezed my heart cause it pained so much.
To be continued.
Thanks for reading.