Friends and Family

Jack grabbed Kitara arm and lead her to the janitor's supply room .She tried to pull free ,but his grip was to strong . "Let me go Jack " She said trying to pull her arm out . "I will show you how to behave Slut." Jack said as he pushed her into the room.He held her to the ground ."What's the problem Kitara can't keep your hands ....." He was interrupted by Chase kicking the door in ."Get your hands off her Jack or jou will be sleeping six feet under tonight " .All of a sudden Carla comes in grabbed Kitara and helped her to her feet ."Jack you going to pay for what you did to my sister.No one hurts my sister .Jack you mess with one Reyes you mess with me ." She said clinging her fist ."Oh please what are you going to do your just as fat and your sis..." Jack said as he stood up he got interrupted by Carla. She kick him in between his legs and grabbed his hand and threw him over her shoulder to the floor.She climb on top of him . She punch his stomach ,his screaming like a girl .Carla kept punching . She punch him straight in his mouth. His teeth went flying. The blood dripping from her fist . "That's form my sister next time pick on someone your own age pervert. Now your silent Jakie . Did the cat got your tongue.Go call your parents wait...They are not here . If you ever hurt her again I will personally put you in the ground do we have a understanding " She said as she grabbed his shirts coller . " Thats enough Kitara . He deserves it but let's leave him with a warning. I am not in the mood to get rid of bodies. " Vex said from behind Chase coming in . Carla let go of Jack his head went backwards towards the ground . His nose broken,bleeding and he lost a tooth as well as his face started to become blue and swollen. "I am sorry I didn't know she was your sister..." Before he could finish Carla was ontop of him again.Ready to strike again she was blocked by Vex he grabbed her hand softly and grabbed her waist and pick her up . " You better ran Jack before I kill you "Vex said as he ran out . " Chase can you guys give us some space." Vex said as he held Carla against a wall. She was beyond mad .He Sky blue eyes had a Fire in them she was real mad . Vex tough to himself. To be honest I myself was furious."Carla calm down. I know ,I know .Come here " He said as they embrace. Carla was crying she lost herbrother Kai Reyes to Jack . He called him a useless waste of space and Kai made himself disappear. Ending his life .She started hitting his chest with her fists well she started to cry. "Shhhh it ok I am hear " Vex said she lowered her fists and placed her now open hands on his chest still crying. Vex strock her tears of her cheeks and comfort her by pulling her closer ."Come let me take you and your sister home and take care of your Wounds " Vex said as he helped her up .Carla's hand was bleeding .Vex noticed and immediately took Carla hand saw the cuts.

Vex immediately took his blue shirt that had some blood on it off to reavel his chisels, strong bare six pack abs.He was one of the jocks ."Here he said as he banged her hand.Carla had started to stop and develop a pink blush. "Thank you Vex ,you always know how to calm me down from my rage ." Carla said as she stood up as Vex rapped his arm around her .Although they never dated. Carla always had feelings for Vex ,but she never built up enough courage to confess . Vex and Carla exited the doors everyone whispering "There's the freak and look her comes the loser...." Mei said immediately regretting her decision.Carla may be Fat but she is not weak .She slapped her . "Your next if you don't show up.." She was interrupted by her sister and Cloe running through the halls . Yang face was covered. Carla was about to commit a murder. When Jack come running by everyone ran . Vex grabbed him ."Tell anyone it was her and I will let you drown " Vex said as he let him ran .The teachers come running asking what had happened, but everyone was terrified no one knew the true reason. Jack was too scared of what Vex will do . Let's go back to Chase and Kitara.

Vex asked them to leave and so they did the last school bell was also about to ring .They went to the parking lot ."So Kitara you and Jack " Chase said as they sat on the park bench ."I forgot to thank you if you didn't show up he might have ....." Kitara said as Jack was running past them his face bleeding and his was missing some teeth ."Wow Freak really did a number on him . Funny we all pick an her .She never snap ." Kitara said as his body language changed ."Oh your one of them . May I ask way pick an someone?. I thought you would be different don't you remember how the use to bully you about your weight? " Chase said as Kitara looked at her wrist ."Chase I can't go back it will kill me . You want to know how I become like this its really easy I stopped eating to make the voices stop . The popular girls excepted me in ,but only if I do what he wanted . He welcome me into his home ,lead me to his room told me to lay an the bed .I told him no but he slaped me through my face luckily Cloe come in and told me that we needed leave immediately. " Kitara said as she started to shake. They saw Carla, Vex, Yang and Cloe come to there area .