Towers and Castles Part 2 ( George)

You know I see a lot of myself in you George Frederick the six.I once was a man of high hopes as well as adventure myself you know .The only difference is I was looking for nothing where you are looking for someone or something. I really like this suit it fits you really well .All the ladies will drool over you my son . "He said as he got up and well lead me to Rose .

We walked past the kitchen and the secret garden.As we walk through the garden my little cousins were playing princess and prince .It remains me of the good old days .Like me and my sister. I am turning 17 tomorrow ." You sister would have been very Proud of you George "My older cousin said as she patted me an the back and smiled. She stopped me from jumping back then .She the reason I was able to meet Rose the light in my path ."Thank you Kitara .She would have been proud of you the Battle General .I missed you have you found the bandits how took your brother yet ?" I said as I embrace her . She was a thought person ,but even she needed to break down eventually. My father left me to chit-chat well he did some more planning for tomorrow. "I did ,but he's now one of them. I saw him and choke up I couldn't kill him at the South Path .I killed his friends, but he managed to escape me ."She said as she looked down with sadness in her voice. "You'll get him back he's just scared his still 15 .You can still save him "I said as the embrace ended. She been through much ,she liked a soldier with a stab wound she still mange to pull through the pain and sadness. Losing someone special is hard we all have lost something or someone at some point. Same recently others in the past were wounds have healed other kept picking scabs and now have a scar .

"Hey Auntie Kitara can you help me rescue my brother from evil prince Jhon (playing Cousins) he is holding him prisoners at the stables " My niece mumbled she was only six years old ."Sure Eliza let's go " Kitara said as she picked up Eliza and carried her on her back. The both yelled "Lets go save the prince hahaha".She would do anything for family. I went to my room honestly I was exhausted so I decided to take a power nap before I go find Rose .This Castle is so big how will I ever Find her .I opened my door and went in closing it again. I wanted peace and Quiet and a good night's rest for I been an night watch every night for 2 months.

I closed my eyes and letting my mind wonder off . I was at the tower were I nearly jumped. I Walked up the Stairs and sat on the edge of the tower look over my city . Deciding whether to go throw with it or not .I remember looking out to the lake seeing all those animals. There where koi fish ,Ducks ,ducklings as well as birds in the trees and frogs on lilys .It was so beautiful. The city big and tall .There where so many people in the street poeple were laughing and having a good time .I remember seeing the bridge were carriages were being pulled by big,strong horses.But then I saw where me and my sister were playing. Where they grabbed her and I remember what happened that day . It was awful,terrifing It broke me .

I was six when me and my sister was kidnapped. She was only eight . We were playing when the bandits grabbed her she tried to fight back. I know I had to fight but I couldn't. I hit the bandit only to get kick in the stomach and left for dead .Everything started to turn black .When I came too .I saw the terrified face of my mother. It still haunts me everyday ,but this is not the reason I wanted to jump ....

I was an the hunt to find out what happened to her I was 13 when I started I found clues proving she was alive ,but I I didn't want to face the true that she still alive . I wanted to find out that she had a quick dead. Not a long slave life.I needed money so I when to the bounty bord .I chose the nearest one which was to clear out a bandit camp close by . My friend Charles Jones joined me an my quest but ..Something felt off about the mission, but I just forgot about it. We went to the camp to discover that everyone left all that was left was a maiden. She had the same couler eyes as well as hair bit my sister was dead or was she .I look at the maiden she was not in a good shape she was pale and she was not looking like she was cold. "Maiden here take my jacket were getting you out of here one way or another. "I said as I helped her to my horse. She had no energy and was in a lot of pain .She didn't say anything intell Jones called me "George Frederick wait for me "He said still climbing on his horse I halter my horse to a slow walk waiting for him to get on his horse."George of Dragonsfire. Is that you brother "She said so innocent ,Soft."SISTERS. no no your dead is it really you ...

I woke up sweating and worried. I only got a little bit of sleep .I decided to go take a shower .As I got to my bathroom I took of all my clothes and started washing myself. Man I was tired. I felt the water streaming down my face all I could think about was Rose .She just has a way of driving me mad .This feeling Rose gives me makes my adrenaline pump . Some time passed I got out of the shower and started to get dressed. When I heard a female voice from the other side of the door. I thought it was Rose but it wasn't she didn't sound like this . I slowly walk to the door to hear the person calling my name . I opened the door hoping to find Rose ,but it was my ex . "George please wait " she said as I picked up my walking pace

. "Oh George I missed you honey. Do you think we can maybe give us a second try . I am really sorry I should have never left you for Ken ....." "Oh hey George " Rose said as that came just in time to tell her.She ,lovely Rose walked close to me and gave me a big kiss that lasted at least 3 seconds. "Oh sorry didn't see you there I am Rose, George Betrothed and soon to be wife" She said exactly knowing what she was doing. She must have been in a break up before. "George may I speak to you in private " She said being so rude not even introducing herself to others . "Its Okay George you can talk I want to go to the bathroom anyway. Nice to meet you buddy " She said as she firmly and kinda hard shaked and grabbed her hand.She gave me a peak an my cheek and whisper in my ear this "Wear your crown high, you deserved it "I said as

she left and reunited with my mother .

"Look us is never going to happen Jasmin .You had a chance and remember how left how waiting at the ball .You dumped me but not this time .I am finally happy and let me guess Ken not going to be King he failed his crowning test .I have to go "I said as I turned away from her and started to ran after my sweet Rose .I never knew she could be jealous, let alone straight to the point. She managed to make me love her even more . There she was .I decided to grabbed her shoulder .

I grabbed her beautiful shoulder .I must of scared her for she shivered. "George Its you .You scared me (yawn) " she said as I interrupted her ."Follow me Rose I will saw you too your room. "I said grabbed her hand in mine. "Do we have to go another flight of stairs.I am so sore for travelling ....."Before she even finish I swiped her of my feet .I was carrying her for she looked so tired. She also started to turn a little pink and her body was warm ."G...George thank you." Shr said as she felt something running for my nose .Her nose was bleeding again. "Oh no Rose are you ok your nose is bleeding . This is the second time this week the first time was when she was taking of my chest bangedes. I knew I needed to get a med kit. And your turning red are you alright let me take you to my room .It way closes." He said as we got to his room my nose still bleeding. I layed her down on to my bed as I went an got a cloth ."Thank you George " She said as I cleaned my face up .My hand stroking her cheek well intell I decided to kiss her her lips.