"What to do, what to do! After finishing the one-shot story, I feel so vacant I want to do something."
I walked back and forth.
"But we still going to make it into three chapters right, for the serialization deal."
Yasu follows me with his eyes,
"Yeah, I changed my mind and just let it go until Mr. Takeuchi tells us the results next month."
I stopped and put my hands over my chin.
"I see."
Yasu nods in agreement.
That is not it, I just don't want to waste so much effort into nothing especially hoping that we will get serialized if we do that.
"Hey, guys! My family is renovating the family restaurant"
Kozue came in with exciting news.
"Oh, really nice what's new?"
Yasu got his hopes up seeing girls in maid outfits.
"Maid Cafe! Amazing right?"
Kozue proudly shared with excitement.
"OOOOOOOOH now Yasuyuki can finally live up his maid fetish with Kozue."
I used the opportunity to make fun of Yasu.
"You bastard!"
Yasu throws a manga magazine at me in retaliation.
"But we are short-staffed though, I was hoping you guys could help us a bit."
Kozue explains their situation.
"Sorry but serving people is not for me."
I implored while going to pretend I'm working with a manga.
"Oy, Kenji weren't you just looking for something to do earlier?"
Yasu just dropped the ball on me.
"All right, I guess I can have part-time to get an extra allowance and buy some materials."
I have no recovery from that besides I need money. I can't exactly touch the club's funds.
"And for me, an experience is a story itching to be written!"
Yasu made it look like an opportunity to create a new story.
"Fumi, how about you?"
Kozue asked Fumi as she was going to escape.
"I'm fine"
Fumi wipes off her glasses with her uniform, clearly stating an outright lie.
"What's with the tone in your voice, feels like your overdoing it, if you are not feeling good then take a rest."
Kozue is just so kind, she didn't notice the lie.
"No, I'm fine it's just that wearing a maid uniform."
Fumi in all honesty said the fact, she shaking while looking back at us.
"Ho Ho! Fumi do you know we are also having an event, look at this."
Kozue lured Fumi using a pamphlet with an award written on it for the best employee!
'Award goes to the best employee!
The best employee will receive a ½ scale figure of Magical Girl Poly Cure'
Fumi showed her otaku side!
"Now, now, calm down Fumi"
Kozue pats Fumi's back calming her down,
"HAH Sorry I got carried away!"
Fumi seriously got carried away, she is even drooling.
"Those are mine, I got extra's because I always buy a spare or a different model. But if you're willing to help out then I guess I can gift it to you."
Kozue is giving everything she got to lure Fumi.
"But it's an award?"
Fumi isn't just giving up easy.
"The award is actually from the sponsor, a family friend who sells collectibles"
Clearly, she wants to bait Fumi for this one, well I'll let her have it.
Finally, Fumi took the bait.
"Customers are masters, repeat after me?"
Kozue is now putting weird stuff in her brain.
"Customers are masters!"
I can not believe that Reina would go and be a maid she's completely baited. Well, she did originally say she is fine, and it got hyped up because of the award. It should not be any problem I hope.
"Uhm, Fumi my skirt kind of feels breezy and my chest feels so tight, is this weird?"
Fumi grabs my uniform, she looking red and spacing out.
"What are you talking about your okay."
I looked away in embarrassment.
"Hey, there is something wrong you turned away! Come on tell me, look at me thoroughly, look at me."
Fumi grabs me even harder forcing me to look at her.
"WAIT REINA! AHH, You are stepping it up huh, WATCH ME! Master, welcome to Aoyama Maid Resto, have a seat, now what would you like, Tea, Beer, or Me?"
Kozue is giving us an exactly wrong idea!
I furiously questioned her way of servicing.
"All right now, see you tomorrow!"
I guess that is good enough for us to take a little break while waiting for the results.
On the weekend,
"It's, today right?"
I asked an obvious question.
"Yeah, it's today!"
Yasu confirms the date.
"Everyone, Welcome!"
Kozue welcomed us and we prepared for our part-time job.
"Yosh, Inari Okami Mangaka Club! LET THEM HAVE IT!"
I shouted as if we are facing a battle.
Everyone acknowledges my order and go to their respective positions.
"Whoa, look at Reina! The well-endowed glasses maid has finally arrived!"
Yasu and I are in the kitchen assisting the chef which is Kozue's father, I do the preparations while Yasu is our dishwasher.
"Oh, she is going to be the customer's choice!"
Yasu gave me his opinion,
"But will she be okay?"
I replied in concern,
"Don't worry Kenji-kun, based on realistic research she will handle it very well."
Kozue's father gave his point of view.
"Oh, Aoyama-san, good morning!"
I was surprised he was already there.
"I'm sorry to take your precious weekend away from you."
Aoyama-san apologizes for our inconvenience
"Ah don't be, we decided it on ourselves to help out."
I waved my hand telling him not to worry about it.
"So how is the mangaka club?"
Aoyama-san paused for a while before he asked me.
"It's doing well, pretty well after being an eyesore to school."
I could only tell him the truth about what it is now.
"I'm glad, thank you for taking care of my daughter."
Aoyama-san seemed to be relieved about the good news.
"Welcome, but she is the one taking care of us. HAHAHA"
I joking replied to relieve some tension in the kitchen.
"Oy! Kenji quit slacking off and do some work!"
Kozue is now in her boss mode.
"Yes, yes!"
This is great, we exactly are having fun and I've never seen this side of Fumi before, her smile is genuine and her laugh is so lovely, I could stay like this forever with her. Oh, what the hell am I talking about, begone my thoughts this is not exactly what I meant. Maybe I am falling for her? No, no, no! that is impossible or maybe it is the other way around. THAT'S EVEN IMPOSSIBLE!
"Hey, Kenji what do you think of me?"
That question came out of nowhere from Kozue, what does she mean?
"Like, what exactly? I mean you are energetic, talented and a caring friend."
I was confused so I asked her that.
"Idiot, that is not what I mean. I'm going back to work."
Huh, I scratched my head at the thought of what is going on, and did I do something wrong?
"Kenji, Kozue is acting strange, did something happen?"
Yasu came over to me and ask me a weird question.
"I don't know, she asked me what do I think of her?"
I have no idea, so I just told him what she asked me.
"Oy are you serious? Then what is your answer?"
Yasu was surprised and now is curious.
"I told her she is a talented, energetic, and caring friend."
I told him what I said.
"What, are you seriously that dense? Don't you know if the girls asked that it is a confession?"
Yasu is disappointed with me, then he went back to work.
"Idiot, how could you tell she confessed? Maybe she just wanted to talk."
Whatever, call me dense or what, I have no clear idea of what is going on.
"You're stupid, fine I'll let you off this time."
What is happening, everything changed drastically from happy to something like this, and Fumi confessing to me? I cannot imagine and it is impossible we only have a few talks back then and just got close because of the club and in junior high school.
"Good work everyone! Thank you so much for helping us out."
That is the end of it we are going back after school on weekdays and a full day on weekends, if it's helping the club out for financial then it's the best activity.
''Kozue, do you have something to do tomorrow?"
I approached her and asked her a question out on a whim.
"Oh, you're going to ask me out, Kenji?"
Kozue just walks back towards their restaurant's door.
"You read right through me, Yeah, I want to talk about something."
I scratched my head.
"Oh my, oh my, you're going to confess?"
Kozue gave a bit of a tease.
"That's not it, I just want to make up with you for what happened a while ago."
"That, that is nothing, I can't go out tomorrow, I still have homework's to finish."
She forces her smile it is way too obvious, but I'll let her go.
"Okay then, maybe some other time."
"See you tomorrow, bye, bye!"
"Yeah, bye, bye!"