Jason is not good for you!

Edward was kissing his PA when suddenly Rose suddenly opened his office door angrily! She looked at her angrily and shouted at her!

"Get the fuck out of here!" Rose shouted on Edward's PA! She looked at Edward but he shrugged at her!

"Why don't you ever say anything to your daughter? Is she mad or what? I don't know why she yells at me all the time? I don't even know why she doesn't like me when you like me!" Edward PA Charlie yelled!

"Shut up, Clarie! You don't have any right to talk to my daughter like that! Do you get it?" Edward asked!

"What? Now, you are also yelling at me?" Claire asked! 

"Hey, you... You don't at all any right to question my dad! Do you get it? I am already mad! Don't make it worse! I told you to get out but you started yelling at who? Don't forget you are just a mere PA here! Do you understand?" Rose asked angrily!