Thank you for being there for me.

"I still want you guys to stay here for a few more days..." Margaret said making Valentina and Jason smile.

"Yeah... The weeks seem like a day... I want you guys to stay a few more days too." Elijah said and Valentina smiled.

"I want to stay here too, Uncle Elijah and Aunt Margaret. But, I can't... You know right how stressful it will be for me to handle things there if I stay here a few more days." Valentina replied and Elijah nodded with a small smile.

"I know, Sweetheart. That's why, I am not asking you both to stay for a few more days... 1 week is a lot... I can understand." Elijah said and Valentina smiled.

"We will really miss you a lot." Margaret said making Valentina take a deep breath.

"I will miss you a lot too, Aunt Margaret." Valentina replied and they both hugged each other. 

"Jason... Let's talk..." Elijah said and Jason nodded his head at Elijah.

"Excuse us..." Elijah said and Valentina, Margaret nodded their heads.