Do I know the person you love?

Jason looked at her as Tania asked that question. 

They both just kept staring at each other as Jaosn doesn't know what he should answer her. But he never thought, Tania can love someone... Because he never saw that anytime that she is intretsed in someone like that... But she is always working and was used to just do her job and would be out of the company... But from the past few days, he is seeing a different Tania... That he would never expect that he will see... But he did. 

Seeing Tania like this intretsed in someone and talking about People's relationship is rare to him to see but he wants to know why she is suddenly changing and is intretsed to know about Valentina's relationship and as well as who she is interested in. 

Unknowingly, It hurts somewhere to Jason that, Tania loves someone... And he so wants to know who is that... If not, it's like, he couldn't be able to keep himself right!