There are few people who are going through worst.

"I will not tell you something like this again..." Amelia said making Valentina take a deep breath. 

"Thank you!" Valentina replied making Amelia smile.

"You haven't done with your dinner... Go to your room... I will bring your dinner to your room." Amelia said with a smile as she kissed her daughter forhead making Valentina smile.

"Yes, mom." Valentina replied with a smile and they both got up from the couch.

They both Walked inside the house while Amelia Walked downstairs to the dining room while Valentina walked into her room. She walked inside the restroom and cleaned herself. She washed her face and then looked at the mirror as she sighed.

"What if I tell everything about and Xavier to Mom?" Valentina asked herself as she looked at the mirror. 

"But what if she takes us wrongly?" Valentina asked herself as she sighed.

"Everything will mess up! She will hate me!" Valentina said.