A wedding Ring?

"I really don't have any idea with what intentions he has talked with me... But... I really do feel that there is something that is behind them... That is making them go crazy on things and that is why, Xavier is not at all telling me anything about the things going on with him. And now, George is telling that, Rose doesn't want me to be Invited to the wedding." Valentina said.

"Oh... He told you the reason?" Tania asked.

"Kinda... But he was not clear enough!" Valentina answered making Jason take a deep breath.

"Huh? What do you mean by he is not clear enough? Did he leave you mysterious again?" Tania asked.

"Yeah... He did... He was beating around the bush... Not at all staright... He just wanted a help. Well... More of a request..." Valentina answered making Jason and Tania frown at her.

"Help?" Jason asked.

"Request?" Tania asked.

"Yeah... Both..." Valentina answered.