You have failed as a father.

"What?" George asked.

"Answer whatever I aksed you... Will you do it?" Xavier asked.

"Why would I do that?" George asked.

"You will probably... You will be ready to do anything with your Son, so you don't get out of this situation... Right? You will do anything so, Valentina doesn't find out about this." Xavier answered making George sigh.

"Look, Xavier. You are important to me too... You are my love and I love you. I wnat to see you happy..." George got cut off by Xavier in mid Sentence.

"Happy and you love me?" Xavier asked as he laughed out loud.

"How funny is this?" Xavier asked as he laughed out loud.

"Why are you lying, Dad?" Xavier asked.

"I am not lying, Xavier..." George answered.

"No... You are lying. If you love me you won't tell me to do all these to hide your truth like this." Xavier replied.