I believed you...

Valentina got up on her feet and walked towards her bed and laid down on the bed as she rolled over and over on the bed. 

She doesi know why, but she can't able to take everything out from her heart by just thinking that how can everything just change in just a blink of an eye... 

How can all these be possible? Last night, is the night where they both had been laughing with each other and told each other how much they both love each other how he will make her life beautiful...

But what happened suddenly that made him hate her? 

Only one question is struck in her mind that is, what did she do that he hates her this much?

But it seems like she can never can find that answer to that question but she doesn't know how will she solve this and make everyone's a living hell... 

The way he changed their story completely in a blink of an eye...