I am disappointed in you.

"Just stop it..." Jason said angrily as he looked straight into Tania's eyes making tears falls down from her eyes. 

This is something new that he had ever seen in Tania. He never really thought that Tania can be obsessed over Someone? 

This is something new to see because this Tania behaves very differently right now as if she is not the real Tania and something has really gotten into her for real. 

Jason slowly pushed her away from him making her frown at him.

"Jason..." Jason cut off Tania in mid sentence.

"Stop calling me like that, Tania... Please." Jason said making another tear falls down from Tania's face.

"I don't know what is going on with you and what is the reason behind you behaving like this right now?" Jason asked.

"This is because I love you!" Tania answered.

"This doesn't looks like love, Tania!" Jason replied and Tania frowned.