Superpowers Are Useless!

Abigale scans through the crowd, noting that no one is stepping up to the challenge and taunts, "Come on, what are you people waiting for?"

Suddenly, Charlotte seemingly vanished from where she was standing and charges towards Abigale at full speed comparable to a cheetah. However, before Charlotte made contact with Abigale, Abigale made a simple sidestep, removing herself from Charlotte's line of movement, allowing Charlotte to pass through her former position, leaving her unharmed.

Having missed her charge, Charlotte tries to stop her movement. However, she only manages to come to a complete stop 1 meter after her mark, implying her lack of control when going at full speed.

Charlotte grits her teeth, unwilling to admit defeat and charges at Abigale again, and again, and again. However, every attempt by Charlotte was sidestepped with ease by Abigale.

The youths gawked at the high-intensity combat and found it weird, how did Abigale manage to dodge every single attack with the grace of an angel while reminding them of a master bullfighter, who taunts and dodges the charge of a raging bull at every turn.

"Lesson three, superpowers are useless if you do not know how to use it, against the untrained populace, your superspeed may seem impossible to dodge, but against any veteran soldiers in the Arsenal Army or mid-tier monsters, your attempts are as good as throwing an egg against a stone wall." Abigale casually remarks while dodging Charlotte's latest attempt.

Abigale continues as she looks at Charlotte struggling to stop her momentum from her latest attempt, "Charlotte, while you are blessed with Grade D superspeed superpower, you show a clear lack of control over your speed. Furthermore, your attack pattern is way too obvious and linear, it doesn't take a genius to predict where you will be coming from."

While Charlotte is a young woman with a rash personality, she is by means stupid. Having heard Abigale's remarks, she thought of changing up her attack pattern while pushing her limits for her next attempt.

Charlotte lightly stretches in preparation before breaking into a full-tilt sprint toward Abigale and when she is about 1 meter away from Abigale's position, she made a forceful tight 90 degrees turn and continue running for a short distance before making another forceful tight turn to attack Abigale. With this, Charlotte hopes to confuse Abigale by making sharp turns to disguise her true direction of attack.

However, at this moment, Charlotte's foot twists from the tight turn, causing her to lose her balance and forcing her to fall on her face. Furthermore, her momentum forces her body to slide a short distance across the rough parade square grounds, scraping her face and uniform, before coming to a full stop.

Abigale looks down at Charlotte and said, "Good attempt at trying to switch up your attack pattern. However, your clear lack of mastery over your speed causes you to make a fatal mistake! Such a mistake would have killed you if you are on the battlefield! Charlotte, take this as a lesson and don't waste your gifts"

Abigale then points at two random female recruits and instructed, "You two, bring her to the med bay and come back pronto."

"Yes, Madam!" Those two recruits acknowledged, helping the injured Charlotte up as they supported her towards the med bay.

Turning her attention back to the youths, Abigale lectures, "Now, that display earlier should have taught you that Superpowers are useless without mastery and combat experience to put it to full use. So, moving on to lesson four, no individual is invincible when they are far outnumbered by a well-trained army. For example, Charlotte wouldn't have had such a bad time despite her lack of mastery and combat experience if there were well-coordinated teammates fighting alongside her, supporting her."

Abigale resumes her single-handed combative posture as she gestures towards the youths, "Come on, what are you waiting for. I did ask for everyone to come at me."

With her taunt as the call to action, the 100 strong mob rush towards Abigale. However, Percy did not rush forward with as much vigour as the rest of the mob, opting to simply keep up with the mob at the very back. This is because he hopes to observe for any weakness Abigale may have before attempting to take her down.

Evan notices this, tacitly understands Percy's idea and stays at the back of the mob with Percy.

Some of the youths who possess a speed-enhancing superpower are faster than the rest of the mob, arriving in front of Abigale first and attacking her.

"Gosh... seems like this batch of recruits will need a whole lot more teaching. Speedsters like you guys should act like assassins and only attack when there is an opening!" Abigale chastises as she proceeds to sidestep the incoming attackers and pushes their head downwards as they pass by her, forcing the attackers' face to greet the rough parade square grounds.

After Abigale dispatched the first wave of attackers, she started walking backwards to avoid being surrounded and at the same time ensuring that the mob always stay within her line of sight. Furthermore, she also repositions herself often to ensure that no more than 3 attackers have access to her at any given moment.