Chapter 5

Its been about 3 days since this all started I thought to myself. I'm a good shot and I've set up more defenses. A Wall made of durable stone and metal. I have surpassed what my dad thought I would in the few days its been since this has started. I walked into the house to where my dad had been sitting. "Grab a sniper with a silencer." he said as he motioned me to sit down. I grabbed a sniper and sat next to him as we began to pick off zombies one by one. It was still bright out even though it was 6 pm. We picked off zombies till we heard Mr. Chang coming up the stairs. He looked at us in murderous intent. My dad held a gun to Mr. Chang's head. I looked at Mr Chang's face and eyes to realize he was drunk and hadn't slept much. His mind was out of control. We managed to calm him down within five minutes. I go into the basement where Zhao and his mom had their Self defense practice room. I find Zhao in the corner covered in blood but alive and i see Zhao's mom in Zhao's arms she was shot in the arm with a silencer by Mr. Chang. I ran upstairs without saying anything to get Peroxide and bandages. I run back down and see no one. They were gone only a nearly dried blood splatter on the floor and wall. I head to where my dad was sitting only to find him with a knife in his chest. Mr. Chang was beside him dead with a gunshot wound to the head. I open the door to find Zhao's mom zombified with him on the ground with no gun in hand. I shot Zhao's mom in a heartbeat and save his life. I then say, "Grab supplies. We aren't safe here. We need to leave. Grab spikes and guns load the Heavy duty Van Mr Chang has in the driveway." He looks at me then nods as we load The van with guns and food then make a spike defense on its front and sides. It looks like one of those beat up vans now that are worthless. We can kill the zombies with it but also it is naturally camouflaged so people wont notice it. We have enough dry rations in the vehicle for both of us to survive for about 2 years. We have enough ammo and guns to last us about 30 huge hordes of zombies. We spread dirt and mud on the vehicle to make it look abandoned. We then head out and start to head into the wilderness.