Alexandra - The vampire-wizard

After two hours, I finished another day of school where I studied and spent nothing at the same time. I'm already getting used to how high school life is, and I find it boring right now, except today when Jacob and I had to catch those slime-type monsters. Now I'm not going to the house, but to a bookstore, I have exactly the bookstore where Mrs. Alexandra works, the one who came with a truck-type vehicle because how could she transport those capsules that allow the closure of those slime-type monsters.

The capsules we use to block those slime-type monsters are special because they are made of glass that prevents those slime-type monsters from escaping. These capsules are quite good, but their cost is really expensive because a single capsule is worth somewhere around three hundred lei, and Alexandra had in her truck only three capsules that will help her a lot in containing such monsters.

I walk straight ahead a few meters carrying behind my backpack that I take almost every day when I go to school to carry books, textbooks, or possibly a bottle of Pepsi or Coca-Cola. As I walked, I looked at the windows of nearby clothing stores and saw some girls my age looking for clothes for the prom, which I will not attend because these balls are made by teachers and arranged exactly by them, which means that they are not even correct, but not to mention the fact that a few years ago, a ninth-grade student won the talent contest at that ball. After all, she danced striptease in front of the former principal, who last year was imprisoned because she raped a thirteen-year-old girl in the woods. What man with such a position would do such a thing to a completely innocent girl. Alexandra, although she is a vampire, can go through the light because she has created a potion that allows vampires to go through the light, but this potion only works twenty-four times, which is good for vampires who want to go out in the sun for making a run, meet new throats and taste new blood juices.

I arrive in front of a pedestrian crossing, next to me there are four other people, who seem to be adults heading to work in the afternoon. I'm already starting to miss the afternoon classes because I could wake up late at seven and still get to school. After all, it started at midnight. Another good part of this afternoon school is that the lessons weren't so good. many and lighter than the ones they have that do school in the morning. Of course, there are other nasty parts such as fatigue, lack of concentration, morning homework, and short breaks, which were somewhere from five to ten minutes. I'm not used to going to school in the morning yet, but maybe in a few weeks, I'll be able to come earlier than now and live a normal high school life.

I wait a few seconds for the traffic light to turn red and then I start walking with the four people on the crosswalk to the other side. I reach the other side safely, then turn left, walk about a hundred meters, then turn right when I reach a cafe and walk almost fifteen meters to the bookstore. I arrive in front of that bookstore, open the door, and enter the building. At the place where the cashier has to be is Alexandra, who files her nails with the file.

"Hello, Lydia! How was your day?" asks Alexandra.

"Good enough. Yours?" I say to Alexandra while she put the file down and press the button under the counter, a button that opens a secret door that consists of two shelves full of books, those shelves are both in a separate section forming an entrance to a room hidden from this world in which we live.

"Same to me. But those slime monsters were hard to contain?"

"Really? How come?"

"Those are not regular slime monsters. Those are slime-human eating. You should be lucky nobody was eaten in school" says to me while both of us enter in that room and the shelves are started to close by themselves... "I did a quick examination on them and those creatures did not eat any human while they were there."

"Do you know how long you were there?"

"I tried to speak with them in slimy language, but it didn't work out. These monsters don't remember being brought to this school, then they didn't even know the slime name they have, and any slime monster knows its name nowadays."

"I see... But how they were brain-washed in their first place?"

"Magic? Technology from another dimension? Mind controlling superpowers? Hell girl, I don't have an idea of how they were controlled. Whatever made them do this, could be someone who can speak the slimy language or have connections with slime kingdoms from the slime dimensions."

"Alright. Probably Hengar would have an idea."


We both end up in front of a metal door that has "cells 1A-12B" written on it. Alexandra and I take out our identity cards that are created by the official hunting council of Romania and point them in front of the scanner. Alexandra shows it first, then I show mine. The scanner approves us and opens the metal door more than four meters high on the side and we enter the room where twenty-four cells with monsters are located.

The room is a huge one of about five two-story houses. This room is located in a different size from what we live in, air the fact that it is located in another dimension results that we used a portal to get here, which is correct. As we entered that secret entrance, it teleported us to another dimension that is far too far from the galaxy where people live right now. This journey cannot change our age because the portal only works if the people who use it are creatures, ghosts, demons, animals, or something similar to monsters, but if a person would use this type of portal, then things will get enormously complicated ... then the aging process will begin making the human become an old man who will die in just a few seconds. That's just what Jacob told me one time in the class when I got bored to listen to my biology teacher who was speaking about bacteria at that time.

The room we are in is made up of twenty-four cells, almost every cell is filled with dangerous creatures, such as the one with number 2B, which contains a robotic alligator that was caught a few days ago in a forest by team number 4 and Hengar. This beast is one that is qualified as a creature of the future that was brought here due to a portal of time, but even now we could not elucidate who sent it here and for what purpose because it did not attack anyone at the moment time had been free. Another species enclosed in a glass cell that is impossible to break is a criminal clown named Franko the Smiling. This clown is located in cell 11A and this is the first dangerous monster that was to take his life when I fought him near Bucharest, but, thanks to Ramona we managed to capture him. this type of monster is one that looks into the victim's eyes and grins them and then starts laughing and telling her all the dark secrets. If these secrets will emotionally affect the victim, then the victim's body will begin to shrink until it reaches about the size of a little finger. And when the victim reaches that finger, the clown will take your victim, swallow you, and then a balloon composed of that victim's organs will come out of his back. However, this clown has a weakness, if you do not listen to him or do not react when the dark secrets are confessed, then he will start to seem insecure and will try to leave you, but that is not enough. Even Ramona showed me a trick to defeat that sinister clown, and that is to laugh at his appearances. If you use this trick, the clown will start to shrink to the size of a thumb and grow back to its original size in a slow process that takes four or six months. now that clown doesn't even have a meter, which is good, and another good part of the fact that it's closed is the fact that the glass used blocks his voice and those outsides, and it doesn't help him see what it's on the other side, but we can see it.

Alexandra and I go to cell 4A, the place where the three slime monsters are kept captive, sitting and walking on the walls, ceiling, or concrete of the cell. This cell is made up of a bottle that Alexandra used to capture monsters of this type and keep them there for a long time. We looked at them for a moment and noticed that they didn't cause any problems, they didn't think of escaping, they didn't make a scandal, they didn't shout, they just crawl through the cell and that's it. Alexandra looked at me.

"Those creatures are peaceful, so it will be easy to contain them here."

"Yes. I hope so." I say to Alexandra.

"Don't worry, it will not happen like last time with that giant spider. That was Jacob's fault."

"No. I am not worried about a possible escape. I am worried about the decision Hengar would do about them."

"Knowing Hengar for a long time, I think he will just send them back to their kingdom, but he will have to ask them a few questions."

"Do you have a theory that would use them?"

"Honestly, no."

"Yeah, me neither."

We stay a little longer to check the cells with monsters that we keep locked up and then go back to our world. Before we leave this world of monster cells, we activate security systems, then we leave. We get into our world, we get out of that secret entrance we used a few moments ago, and then the two of us go back. We get behind the buildings, and there we open a large metal door and we come across two rooms that have two other doors of the same kind but have the name of the room inscribed on a tablet on the door. Alexandra goes to the room with the living room and control room, and I go to the training room and buffet. I go there not to eat, but to train the fighting movements of my werewolf.