Talking to the Homeroom Teacher

The first phase of the plan to persuade my mother to let me go to Buzau was a resounding success, but now comes the second phase, and this phase is based on Jacob's ability to weigh the Homeroom Teacher who takes care of my class.

Now I am in my class, and Jacob walks through the School and waits for Professor Ludovici to arrive at the chancellery, where he will be greeted by my mother and talk to him about this "trip". While I am in class and listening to my Module teacher talking about one of her childhood stories because doing a class at this hour in the morning wouldn't work if you will not laugh at one of her stories on how she saved a little cat while a drunk man was trying to use his "elephant trunk" to insert into one of the kitty holes, which was pretty disturbing for some of us, but for one of his classmates, it makes him turned on. And how do I know this? He was on my right and he was looking at his thingy, and I accidentally took a look at that and it really makes me uncomfortable for the rest of our, and every time I will think about this class in the future. Let's hope Jacob will do anything much more embarrassing for me while he will "discuss it" with my mother, and by "discuss it" I do not mean that discuss things where you do in an empty and private room to obtain something valuable.


Jacob wasn't near the staff room, he was in another place where a ghost who has three hundred years old and a tragic past, he is located at the pool bathrooms and he is looking at the girls who are changing into their swimsuits. While Jacob was looking at them, he wished he could be human again because his tool would be much harder than one of the most powerful weapons in anime for the Main Character.

There, our ghost has seen every kind of woman chests, medium, low, high, dark, white, and yellow. That bathroom was a paradise for every perverted boy in this high school if they could see this. Entering a girl's bathroom is one of the hardest things someone in humankind has ever done, but when you are a ghost and if you can do that, basically, you are a kind of God. But Jacob wasn't there to looked at the girls' chest but her bust.

"T-They do not have good buts," says Jacob feeling sad there isn't any girl with a big but, just teenagers with small, medium, or flat buts. "I am disappointed in the mothers of those children. Why they wouldn't make a girl with big buts like how they used to be back in the old times... Sometimes I was Elena was still there, her butt was so big and soft, that it almost makes me possess her and do naughty things to herself."

And in the rest of the hour, Jacob was at the pool and looking at the girls swimming in the pools and having a classic swimming race. While Jacob was looking at that race, he has observed something weird on the other side of the pool, at one of the small windows. Jacob has decided to go there and check who is there to commit such a crime to female teenagers.

When he arrived on the other side of the building, where he has seen a teacher, and that teacher was looking at the young girl's bodies. Jacob knew who the teacher was, he is the homeroom teacher of class 9A, the homeroom teacher of Lydia, Mr. Ludovici.

"Oh, yeah..." whispers the teacher while he looks, at the young teenagers swimming or another splashing with water, with the help of a set of binoculars.

Jacob has decided to a normal thing, so he has entered the Ludovici body, he possessed him and goes to the staff room to talk with Lydia's mother. Jacob wanted to get over with this and go back at peeping young teenagers because today is Friday, and Friday is prepping day for ghosts.

Jacob was making Ludovici go to the staff room like he acts the strings on a doll in a children's puppet theater. While Jacob was possessing Ludovici, he saw a few of his colleagues and he waved at them because he knew Mr. Ludovici is popular among the teachers and even students, but they do not know the fact that this teacher is a pedophile. "Sometimes I wonder when this high school will repair their surveillance cameras." thought Jacob to himself. "They have been broken for far too long and there are beginning to be many predators in this School."

A few minutes later, Mr. Ludovici arrives at his staff room, and there he saw Lydia Mother, who was looking at him with a pissed look and asked him.

"Good morning, Mr. Ludovici. How dare you send a letter to my daughter?"

"Good morning, Mrs. Răducanu! Do you mean the latter about the trip to Buzău?" asks Jacob who is possessing the body of Mr. Ludovici.

"Yes! And do not dare to ask a question with a question!"

"I'm sorry... Look, your daughter has worked hard to get this chance, and she really deserves it."

"What do you mean she deserves it? Did she did something with you?" asks the mother to Mr. Ludovici looking suspicious at him.

"My Godness! No!"

"You lie..."


"You lie. You did something to my daughter. You an Mr. Principal."

"What the hell is with this lady?" thought Jacob to himself, and then he said to her. "Look, your daughter didn't do anything dirty to me or anyone from the staff, she really worked hard to get here and she deserves to go on this trip and see Police Academy and understand her future. If you think your daughter is not a good kid and doesn't study, and you really think your daughter is that type of a girl, I am afraid to tell you that your way of thinking and perceptions the things is an entirely wrong lady."

"What?" asks the lady being surprised. "You know what! Fine. I'll let her go there! But with a condition to be careful and not let her have her way with a man. And if I find out that my daughter is doing naughty things to you or Mr. Principal on this trip, I will immediately call the cops and posts on Social Media about this incident. Your school will be ruined if I do this."

"Alright, lady. You will have my word. Your daughter will be in safe hands."

"Good. Now bye!" says Lydias Mother to Jacob and she headed to the exit of the school and feeling sad that she couldn't stop her daughter to go to Buzău. Then she thought: "And I have really wished to have someone at home to clean while I am on a date. Stupid daughter! Why she is this way?"


When the first class has finished, Jacob has gone through walls and comes to Lydia, who was about to head to the Gym and go to change into her gym clothes. Lydia has seen the ghost coming to her, she looks around to see if anybody is in this huge class, but on her luck, the class was almost empty, just her and the ghost named Jacob.

"Did you do it?" asks Lydia.

"Yes. It has successfully worked." says Jacob feeling around.

"What did she say?"

"Well... She said you are lazy and don't deserve to go on that trip. But I convinced her to let you go. It was hard, but I did it."

"Good job, Jacob! Now, when are we going to leave?"

"Tomorrow at one A.M."

"One A.M.?... Alright."

"You should go home and rest until we will leave."

"We won't take the portals?"

"Yes, we will. But, we need to take something."

"What exactly?"

"My weapon." says Jacob to me: "You know I can possess weapons, right?"

"I-I didn't know that."

"Well, possessing weapons is almost like possessing people, but the weapon I need to that is located at our base, and we will go there at 1 A.M., take it, and teleport it to Buzău."

"And... You need a person to use that weapon?"

"Yes. And you will be the only one who will go there, you know?"

"Right. Alright. Now I gotta go to the Gym, and remember!" I say after I was about to leave the class and going with my sports clothes to that gym to change in them. "No peeping! Or I will tell Hengar about this and he will send you back there! Alright?"

"Lydia. I promise! I and not going to go there and look at your body." says Jacob going elsewhere besides Gym Bathrooms where Girls and Boys, who are in separate bathrooms, are changing into their sports clothes.