Catching a thief

Jacob and I have been looking around the underground city to look at the market and buy a few gadgets that would help us in our future battles. I have bought a set with health potions, and Jacob has bought me a dagger with plant elements who will most likely help me in the current situation because we are chasing a thief who has stolen a wallet from a lady.

Jacob floats through that village underground, and I, who have turned my normal legs into some werewolf, start chasing after that thief who steals innocent women's bags. The only clue we have of that thief is that he ran through a lot of people who were heading to another area of this place underground, but it was not that far and hard to detect him because he was the only one who is running with the purse of a lady. While I was running I began to notice the thief, who is trying to get rid of us by climbing the walls of some earth buildings that are stronger than those on the surface or built by a gypsy with only eight classes, but with fifty years of experience in construction. I get to that building that that thief climbs up and turns my normal hands into a werewolf and I start climbing the wall after that thief, who keeps running away from me and Jacob.

I arrive on the roof of that building with only one floor and I see that thief doing parkour through buildings as if he were an assassin from the famous video game released by Ubisoft, Assassin Creed. I'm chasing that thief again using my werewolf legs to get more speed and aerodynamics. The thief is four buildings away from me, but that doesn't stop me from continuing to run and eventually launch a few werewolf nails at that guy, just in the hope that one of those claws will hit him, but to my disappointment, none of them hit him at the crucial areas or stopped him from running away from us. I take a look downstairs when I jump off the fourth building and notice Jacob floating at high speed towards that thief with his universal ghost weapon ready. Jacob immediately transforms his weapon into a crossbow and launches an arrow at that thief, but the arrow missed the thief at a very high distance.

Right, when I thought Jacob's shot will be a big miss into my book about his misses, the arrow suddenly changes the trajectory and he is flying at that thief's head. the arrow hit the thief and the guy fall from the building and landed on the dirty streets while the wallet remains on the rooftop of the building who was about to jump again. At this point, I really wanted to use the dagger I bought, but I realize that if I did this thing right here, it was going to create a huge disaster because the blacksmith warned me that this dagger could make trees grow and if the dagger lands on the ground, something bad will happen. However, I am glad that Jacob has been able to show me the use of his weapon, and even to wish I have such a weapon, which can turn into a scythe, ax, crossbow, cannon, a sword with elements, and many other forms of weapons which are still unknown to me.

After I jump a few more rooftops, I take the purse that the lady has dropped and me, with Jacob are going back there to take the purse to the lady, but right when we were about to leave, three officers have stopped us, who were on the road and they were looking serious at us. I came down from the rooftop and I look at the officers who are talking with us. The one officers are the oldest one, the second is the youngest and the third is just somewhere three years younger than the first one, but these officers were looking at us pi, probably for the reason we have killed a thief or the fact that we have stolen their job, but I mostly think it is the second option because these three officers don't care about the corpse who is laying on the street and who has fallen from the third floor.

"Do you have any idea what you two have done?"

"We have captured someone who has stolen this purse." I say to the officers showing him the purse and then comes Jacob who is wielding his weapon in the left hand.

"Is everything alright?" asks Jacob nonchalantly those cops who are looking at Jacob like a teacher is looking at a clown student who is trying his best to ruin the day of the teacher just to make some people laugh.

The elder officer took the purse, and then the third one asked me if I can show him my identity card, which is the bulletin, a document that is used in Romania to determine the person's identity. I show him my bulletin, and the cop is looking at me for a second, and then he asks me to show him my Hunter License. Of course, I have a Hunter License, every hunter these days has to have one, in case if you got found by a hunter and you were encountering a monster and the hunter thought that you are just a stranger, but, if you show the hunter License, he will understand the situation and leave you alone. That thing has happened to me a few months ago, back then when I still was a novice in this new thing with hunting beasts, spatial creatures, dimensional anomalies or Spanish Inquisition from the Spanish Dimension where Spain has to gain world domination by just inventing rockets to gain domination or just conquering the whole Africa and creating nuclear sites. One of these things really happened to me, but that part with Spanish Inquisition has happened to Travis while he was on the road to his first date.

The hunter license is just a code that is printed in our arms for eternity, for example, in my case the code is printed on the left arm, and the code contains "JOI - 64646". I suck up the sleeve of the blouse, I show that code to the three policemen, who look closely at it lest it is counterfeited, and in a few seconds, they look curiously at me as if I were the first white man to arrive in Africa.

"What are you doing here in Buzău? Wasnt your area in Argeș?"

"Yes, it is." says Jacob to those cops. "We are here because we got the mission to stop a robot which comes from the dimension G-654."

"And you two did it?" asked the youngest officer who make those two throws a quite angry look at him.

"Yes. We have ejected him somewhere in a portal, right when he was about to explode and create another disaster in Buzău. Don't you think we have forgotten about Nine May?" asked Jacob those cops who are started to sweet... "What happened at that time?" I though to myself because if I try to say that sentence to Jacob, the cops will probably be so ashamed that they will dig a pit into the center of the Earth which is covered in magma, and the only things who can go there are people who are fire-humanoids, people who are made by fire in short.

"A-Alright." says the older officer to us. "You can carry on your tasks."

And then these their officers, who were scared by Jacob's question, have started to leave us and do their things, and I with him are going to that lady to deliver the purse to her because we cannot take the purse with us, we are Romanian Hunters but we are not that other kind of hunters who are doing everything just to gain a reward. Our boss is doing these things, by giving us a good salary, which consists of almost three hundred RON and eight free-days per month. For others, this sounds quite cheap, but for, this sounds good enough as a main job.


"Thank you, dear!" says the lady after we retrieve the purse from her. "You two are sure some fine hunters."

"Y-Yeah. We are." I say to the old being quite curious about the fact of how she is here because this place is dedicated only to hunters. "Anyway, sorry If I ask you this, but how come you are here?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Underground. You are located in an underground city."

"Underground... What kind of thing is this. I may not see right now, but I am one hundred percent sure that I am on the outside on the streets."

Jacob and I look at each other, then we look at that lady who thinks she's on the surface, and we decide to do the thing we don't really like to do. Let's give him so much anesthetic that it'll sleep for almost a whole month. Jacob quickly changes his weapon into a tranquilizer rifle and launches a flash of tranquilizer lightning that hits this woman who can't in her left breast, and this, when she's ready to say something, falls to the ground and falls asleep. Then I take it up and start transporting it with the portal to the world on the surface, Jacob can't help me because he's a ghost, and ghosts can't touch objects that contain life, that doesn't contain or weapons that don't contain ghost runes. I open a portal that is leading to the surface, I carry the lady on my back and start walking towards that portal with the lady, and when I arrive in Buzău, in a zone where it isn't any people in a radius of ten kilometers. After that I take a quick look around I put the lady on a bench and then walk on the portal again to the underground city. I hope I will found a good place where I can rest in that underground city until the hour when we will leave Buzău will arrive.

Let us hope that the lady will not do anything dangerous that could hurt her physically or worse, kill her.