Meeting the 5th Hunter Team of Romania

Lydia Răducanu - Main Character with Werewolf Powers

Once was a normal alone girl who will spend her time looking at TV on useless shows, making fun of people online, listening to Billie Ellish to feel "depressed" because that's what the girls from her class were doing to become popular and to attract males. There wasn't anything good to do at home or school because his mother was not a talkative person and was always looking at her, and at school... Well, the girls and the boys there were bullying her because they think that girl was just a piece of junk or some kid who was born by mistake. But... Everything has changed when a werewolf and her future crush have met some paths. A werewolf has scratched her stomach and made her half-werewolf-half-human. And now this girl, who was about to be sent in another dimension with people who are her kind, she decides to remain there because these people who are working with her are accepting her and are her friends... Her first friends... One year has passed since this MC has joined them and she began to like working as a hunter, dimension traveler, but she hates being a high school student because everyone thinks the girl is one who got some mental problems because some of her classmates, are hearing her sometimes whispering to someone who is not in a classroom, and she was whispering to Jacob, her co-worker ghost "classmate". Anyway, this character wanted to become a cop in the future, and she actually can because working for a hunting team, is actually like being a cop, except you capture things who are not from Terra planet, dimension, or time, and this job can also allow people to become cops because Police and Hunting Teams are actually connected from a long time. This character can control her werewolf form, werewolf abilities, and also, she is a female character who can fight alone and a useful one.

Jacob F. - A 300 years old Pervert Ghost

There is a rumor in Curtea de Argeș, and that rumor is about a ghost who is traveling around the city to capture beasts, help old men and look at girls showering. Yeah... These rumors are true because this ghost exist and the name is Jacob, only people who are half-mutants or complete mutants can see that ghost traveling into cities. That ghost works for the 5th Romania Team and he is actually doing a good job, even though a ghost cannot do much because... He is a ghost. He cannot touch anything and that includes, humans, non-life objects, life objects, mutants, half-mutants, basically everything, but this ghost has a weapon that can be used by a ghost. That weapon is one that can transform into fifteen different types of weapons, and those types will be explained later when we will talk about the weapons our team is wielding. That ghost has joined the team because it was bored of staying and doing nothing for an eternity, and when he has joined the team, in his first mission, the ghost has done a great job by controlling a Godzilla who was about to crush Dr. Oetcker. But this mission will be explained later. The relationship between him and Lydia is a good one because these two are somehow like best friends. And between the other crewmates, it is a typical one to who people who are working in American offices can relate it. This ghost, is a great teammate, a good "person" who knows the difference between mutants and how to classify them, and a good ghost with humor... maybe dark humor sometimes.

Travis - Invisible Spy

This guy is the quiet type and also, it is a great storyteller, probably one of the great because this one and Jacob are going on some expedition to haunt monsters, discover ones, or to find some. After all, these two have the same hobby, learning about the mutant's nature and trying to help them in any possible way if they are in danger. This guy has come into this team because he got a transfer from New Jersey to Romania. His leader has put on sale because of some personal problems, that Travis doesn't want to talk about it and decided to keep that thing to himself until he will die because he can die like humans even though he is an Invisible Man, who can become invisible, but even though he is invisible, he can still be hit by something because the invisibility it is not an entirely invisible thing, just a camouflage. The relationship between other members of his team is different, to Lydia, well he treats her like a newcomer, he speaks to her in a friendly way and he also helps her with her studies at high school, especially in English. And between the other two folks, it is alright.

Alexandra G. - Female Vampire Wormbook

A vampire can be easily seen, they got fangs, wears black clothes, can grow wings, sucks blood, flies, don't go into the sun, but this vampire is different in so many ways. This female vampire can go into the sun by drinking a special potion who can stop the sunburns of a vampire, she doesn't need blood to eat because she mostly eats human food, after all, she is half-vampire, but the only thing she makes her not be different from any vampires is, she can grow wings, levitate, use blood spells, wears black clothes of the time and she got fangs. This woman has joined the Hunter Team because her leader wanted a place to create a Hunting Team specialized in hunting monsters, and Alexandra owns a good place where this man could build that team, an abandoned Library that was her home before she transformed into a vampire. Leader accepted the offer and build a secret base human cannot see because the base of the 5th Hunter Team it is underground. After a while, Alexandra and the Leader have started to become friends and even teacher-student because the leader has reached Alexandra how to create that potion who helps her go into the sun and some good spells. After a while, when the hunters have started to join the team she has become very appropriate with them, especially with Lydia because she is the only female who has joined the team so far.

Hengar - Leader of 5th Hunter Team

What is the good quality of being a leader? It is intelligence? Power? Mutation? No, like Hengar is, this dude is just a nice leader who can use magic and science fiction like are some sort of toys. Hengar is a good wizard and a good engineer which is basically a weird combination because he is the only Leader of an Army from Romania and the Europe Hunters Alliance. This Leader has founded this team because the other team didn't want to accept for the reason that this guy is not from Romania and also not from this timeline. Hengar has never mentioned to anyone how it is the timeline he has lived or the year number. And this thing doesn't even concern anyone from the team. The relation between him and his workers is a good one. Especially with Alexandra, Travis, and Lydia, these three are the only closest human-mutation he has a team, but with Jacob... it is a peaceful one.