My first date - Part 1

A few months later, on the summer vacation, some kids are celebrating the fact that they are going to become high schoolers, and other are happy because they have ended the little disaster called middle school which will be seeking them for a long time. But I am not quite happy that in the autumn I will start my high school life because I was studied in the city for the rest of my middle school and I know how it is there quite a big hustle and a hard time for any single girl in her teenager life because of the Predators in the Park. But for boys it is also hard, most of them will have to stay in groups like wolves and others will become lone wolves, do everything by themselves and ignore his classmates for the rest of the year. But when they grew older, they will remember them and regrets that they haven't joined any activities with them or become friends with them.

On this summer day, someone from the other Romania Hunter Team came to our base, for doing some tasks his boss has to send it to him. The person who comes to our base it is the person who has saved me by that werewolf and becoming a full werewolf, Luke, the guy I have talked about a few chapters ago that I am in a relationship with him... kinda.

Now you are asking: "Kinda? Are in a relationship with him or not?". Now look reader, in this fictional world relationship works as much as harder than in real life. Not every fictional it is about a girl seeing a guy for 0.0000000000000001 seconds and then falling in love with him, marry him, have nine children, divorce, send a few children's to the Gulag and become a housemaid at his new wife house. Our relationship is going slower because we are texting each other almost every day, he gave me tips about my werewolf, which has come in handy almost every day, and I somehow teach him about Romanian Literature, Math and Geography. Who would've known the Amazing Race will be useful in Geography in class 9... Yes, he is one year older than me, but that doesnt matter because in most the relationships, the guy is older than the girl... and there is even a couple in America which a man has 95 years old and a girl have 19 years old. The world is becoming bizarre every day.

Luke has come here because he got a task, and that task it is to substitute Travis, who has taken a vacation to North Korea because there is the only place where he could go, made fun of the Emperor, and also try help some North Koreans escape thanks to his invisibility ability.

"Hey, Lydia!" says Luke when he entered the living room carrying a backpack.

"Luke?" I ask him because at that time I want even sure it was him or just a prank made by Jacob; I put the book called Salt, created by an author with a rapper name Lil Goat, who has created a quite intriguing story with lovable characters.

"Yes," he says before bot of us are shaking our hands.

"Welcome to 5th Hunter Team Base!" I said to him with a smile on my face. "Are you tired after your long road? Did you need something?"

"No, no," he says to me with a smile and making that hand gesture which means he doesnt want anything. "I am good. The road wasn't quite hard, in fact, it was relaxing."

"Really? how come?" I ask him and then I sit on the couch.

I listen to one of his stories about how he travelled almost two hundred kilometres by taking a bus with gipsies and Hungarians yelling, spitting at each other and fighting because of their race. Luke has also told me he had gone between them and stopped them from fighting on the bus. But when the bus has stopped at a gas station, Luke has really gone between them, and fight on Hungarian and a gipsy with his bare hands. But he also told me, when he was about to leave the bus and take the taxi to our base, eight gipsies from the bus jumped on him and tried to take him down, but when Luke has thrown off the gipsies eight meters into the walls of the bus stations, all of them scramble and run to the police because they got beaten by a white guy from Călărași.

"Wow," I said to him after he finished his story. "And did they found you?"

"Not yet," he says. "And they probably won't because your leader works in the police, right?"

"Yes," I respond to him. "But what if he will punish you?"

"I had some evidence of how to do these gipsies tried to attack me," he says showing me a modern video camera and shows me a video with him fighting a few gipsies on that gas station, in the bus and also at the station.

"Nice." I said to him after I saw one of those videos. "This might be going to teach them a lesson to not attack people."

"Yeah. But I do not think this will teach them, after all, these types of people will never learn and they will do it again, but with much more people."

"True on this one." I respond to him.

Both of us decided to throw this conversation elsewhere and focuses on anything else.

"Do you want to go somewhere later this day?" he asks me while he sounds quite shy and nervous because he might be rejected but this will not happen. "You know... A-At a restaurant or a-at cinema?"

"A-Are you asking me out?" I ask him.

"Ye-Yeah.... It is alright?"

"Yeah. It is alright." I respond to him while I try to hide my frustration from him.

"C-Cool." he says looking elsewhere and not to see him being red.

I also tried to look elsewhere, to not let him that I am also red on my face. Both of us are feeling quite awkward because this might be our first date after the incident and now we might going to spend a night or an afternoon together at a restaurant or cinema.

Then, I could feel something weird in my body, the inner werewolf was laughing. I yelled at him by using my mind to shut up, but he laughed harder and he also said to me: "You are cute when you get angry.". And this pissed me so much, I was about to yell at him, but it was close, this might have scared Luke and put me in an embarrassing situation which I will think about it almost every single day.

A few minutes later, someone enters the room, and the person who entered it is Alexandra. When she saw us staying in the living room, she smirked for a few seconds, then she welcomed Luke, and told him.

"I hope you will have a good time here until Travis will come back."

"Yes... Anyway, when will Travis will come back?"

"We are not sure if this man will come alive this time." she says Alexandra who has made Luke quite scared, but then she puts on the table a folder and told both of us. "You two got a mission." and then she looks at me. "This might be your eleventh mission if I am not wrong, right?"

"You are right." I respond to Alexandra who smiled.

"The mission you two have gotten consist of capturing a troll from Arefu forests. That troll has been reported by a villager, but thanks to Hengar, he has immediately taken the report before anyone from his section could see it and transferred to our place and send you two capture it. And also, here are the things you two might need in this mission."

Then, Alexa puts on table an key, the one which helped us to transfer monsters into the dimensions of cells, the place where the creature might be locked there for eternity or stay there until they will be sent to heir world. And she also put a healing syringe and three knives, for precaution. I also observed her almost throwing a condom into the collection, but she decided not to do it, even if she would've done that, I would most likely throw it to her.